the 2016 presidential campaign and offer an informed analysis of the trump and clinton campaign efforts


the 2016 presidential campaign and offer an informed analysis of the trump and clinton campaign efforts


take a look at the 2016 presidential campaign and offer an informed analysis of the trump and clinton campaign efforts . paper should focus on the following selected dimensions of the campaigns.

– backdrop for the campaign 1: candidates

discuss what you see as hillary clintons and donald trump chief asset and liabilities as candidates. be sure to take into account things like experience and past record.what did both of them have going as a candidate?what seemed to work against them?

– campaign 2: Fundamentals

fundemental are attributes that are largely outside the control of candidates . it should include a discussion and appraisal of these fundemtal considerations. which one seemed to have favored clinton, why? which one seemed to have favored trump, why?

– campaign 3: contingencies

some importat contingencies include campaign organization, media strategy, development . paper should address how these contingencies played a role in the 2016 presidential campaign. be sure to compare the clinton and trump and assess how these contingencies helped or hurt their candidates.

campaign outcomes : in the end trump was elected how did that happen? provide an overview and analysis of the vote. what appeared to be the important sources of clinton and trump support? in what ways did patterns in the vote in 2016 diffrient from patterns in 2012? how was that important?Â

should be 7-8 pages. be sure to draw upon course material , primarily defying the odds by ceaser. site any materials that you quote .


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