A Psychological and Social Perspective on Societal, Ethnic and Racial Inequalities in Modern Societies

A Psychological and Social Perspective on Societal, Ethnic and Racial Inequalities in Modern Societies
Paper details:

This week you will take the outline from last week and transform it from an outline to an essay-style research paper. The research paper should run no less than four pages long, not counting the title page, the outline page, or the Works Cited page (so no less than seven pages long if you include those in your count).Sources: You may add another source or two to your paper if the three sources from your annotated bibliography aren’t sufficient, but those three EbscoHost sources need to be the sources most cited and relied upon in your paper. No Wikipedia citations are allowed ( And don’t define any term in your paper using a dictionary–find a scholarly source that defines it and quote it). Find sources from either government databases, research databases, academic journals, published magazines, published newspapers. Avoid all stand-alone websites.
Study this sample paper: I strongly recommend you study this “Sample Paper” (copy and paste this address into your search bar if it doesn’t let you link): https://owl.english.purdue.edu/media/pdf/20090701095636_747.pdf (Unlike the sample paper, however, don’t include section headings within your paper.) Also see the two sample student papers posted with this assignment that include my comments.
Title page: Your researchÕÉ?†?† paper should begin with what is called a title page. Look at a good example of a title page here: http://www.dianahacker.com/pdfs/hacker-levi-mla.pdf ). Create your title page with your title and the information about yourself and the class that is usually found on the first page in the upper left-hand corner of your papers (don’t forget the name of assignment and the university name). Your title page should be double spaced (you may choose to have a running header or not on the title page, but the rest of the paper after the title page must have a running head).
Outline page: On the page after your title page, copy and paste your outline from module 3. (The sample student paper above doesn’t have an outline, but I now require it.) If you want to make changes to the outline to improve your paper or because you have reorganized your paper, you may do that.
Beginning-of-essay page: At the end of your outline, insert a hard “page break” (look for it on the Insert tab of Word’s ribbon) to begin your research paper essay. Then on that new hard page, copy and paste your title (but not your name, date, etc.) at the top of the page. This title sits right above the introduction paragraph with no extra line spacing between them.
Quote placement: Study the Formatting Checklist for how to handle quotes. Don’t start any paragraph with a quote. The first sentence of each paragraph should be your words in your voice as a scholarly writer. And, as a rule of thumb, don’t end any paragraph with a quote. Add a sentence of interpretation or summary (of that quote) after any quote near the end the paragraph.
Don’t stack quotes right on top of each other: Sometimes don’t quote but paraphrase an author’s idea instead. Other times simply have your own writing voice explain what everything means in terms of your thesis. Some students over-quote and never provide their own voice in the discussion. Usually don’t quote more than once in a paragraph, though this isn’t a hard-and-fast rule. So find a good balance of your own writing voice, summaries of the research, and quotes and paraphrases.
Use a combination of all four kinds: Vary the types of quotes and paraphrases in your paragraphs.
Author-centered quotes: Smith and Perez write, “This is a new, more sophisticated approach to space exploration” (45).
Idea-centered quotes: “This is a new, more sophisticated approach to space exploration” (Smith and Perez 45).
Author-centered paraphrases: Smith and Perez think NASA has reached a new level of sophistication in exploring space.
Idea-centered paraphrases: NASA has reached a new level of sophistication in exploring space (Smith and Perez).

Block quotes: If a quote you are using is long enough that it wraps onto a fourth line, MLA requires you format it as a block quote, which is formatted differently than regular quotes are formatted (for example, no quote marks). For an example, see “Long Quotations” on this Purdue OWL helpsite: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/03/
Present more than just quotes: Don’t use your sources only as a way to find quotes and paraphrases. Also sprinkle your research paper with facts, statistics, examples, anecdotes, case studies, and definitions. This is the single biggest difference between the “pretty good” papers I receive and the excellent ones–the average and pretty good papers are full of good quotes and paraphrases but few other supporting materials, while excellent papers have a variety of evidence types (not just quotes and paraphrases but percentages, facts, examples, case studies, scholarly definitions, etc.) and your guiding voice between them. So you want a variety of evidence types in your writing to make your paragraphs more interesting and substantive. Make sure your paper has all or most of these: statistics, facts, quotes, paraphrases, stories, examples, case studies, definitions, illustrations.

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