Algorithms Design and Analysis assignment|computer engineering

Algorithms Design and Analysis assignment|computer engineering

Computer science exam on ( Algorithms Design and Analysis) that is 6 problems that I need help with. It will be in class at 6:30pm-8:00pm eastern time on thursday the 21st. I will provide photos and need it be done quick and right with right answers. if you have no expersince in thsi field dont bid wont even bother. The file i uploaded is the study guide. Message me if you have any questions.

Bold face text is a very important part of the material and I expect that you will
be able to demonstrate for them a high level of understanding.
1) Chapter 1:
a. Know how to use the various formulas for logarithms and
b. Understand the fundamentals of algorithm problem solving.
c. Understand the different problem types.
d. Understand the fundamental data structures being used.
2) Chapter 2:
a. Running time and Basic operation
b. Orders of growth
i. Worst, Average, and Best cases
c. Asymptotic notations (Big “Oh”, Big Omega, and Big Theta)
d. Comparing orders of growth
e. Basic Efficiency Classes
f. Mathematical analysis of recursive and non-recursive functions
g. Backwards substitution
3) Chapter 3:
a. Understand thoroughly the underlying concepts and motivation
behind brute force and exhaustive search. You should be able to
develop a brute force algorithm from scratch if requested.
b. Selection Sort
c. Bubble Sort
d. Sequential Search
e. String Matching
4) Chapter 4:
a. Section 1: Insertion Sort
b. Section 2: Topological Sorting
c. Section 3: Algorithms for Generating Combinatorial Objects
i. Generating Permutations
ii. Generating Subsets
d. Section 4: Decrease-by-a-Constant-Factor Algorithms
i. Binary Search (ONLY)
e. Section 5: Variable-Size-Decrease Algorithms
i. QuickSelect + Lomuto’s Algorithm (ONLY)
5) Chapter 5:
a. Master Theorem
b. Section 1: Mergesort
c. Section 2: Quicksort + Hoare’s Algorithm
d. Section 3: Binary Tree Traversals
i. Preorder, inorder, and postorder traversals (ONLY)
6) Chapter 6:
a. Section 1: Presorting
i. Element Uniqueness + Computing a mode
b. Section 3: Balanced Search Trees
i. AVL Trees
ii. 2-3 Trees
c. Section 4: Heaps and Heapsort
d. Section 5: Horner’s Rule and Binary Exponentiation
Also, you need understand the questions in Assignments 1 and 2.

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