ANTH 110-001: Introduction to Anthropology

ANTH 110-001:  Introduction to Anthropology

All students are required to complete a research paper. This paper should be six pages in length not including title page or References Cited page, double-spaced,

numbered, and with one-inch margins. Please use Times New Roman 12 pt. and follow APA style (6th ed.) provided in the APA manual and see Purdue’s Online Writing Lab

(OWL) website: The paper is expected to be written with correct and readable English. For help writing, formatting, or editing your

paper you may want to visit the UNL Writing Center located in Love Library ( The research paper must include a cover sheet with course

title, course number, student’s name, date, and the title of the paper.
The research problem should be stated at the beginning in the introduction (i.e., what is your topic, why it is important, what you are hoping to accomplish), followed

by the main body of the paper where you develop your own point of view or argument and cite references when appropriate, and a conclusion, which includes implications

of the research, suggestions for future research, etc. Please title your sections accordingly. Please think of an appropriate subtitle for the Main Body section.

Research papers must use a minimum of five academic literature sources in addition to your textbook and internet citations and should be included on a separate page

titled “References Cited.” A good place to begin to look for references is your textbook that contains numerous relevant citations. There is a sample “References

Cited” at the bottom of this document for your reference. Please note that sites such as Wikipedia are not academic references and should not be included in your

research or “References Cited” page.
This paper should focus on one area of investigation, research problem, or any topic discussed in class or in the text.  This includes a myriad of topics relevant to

any of the four subdisciplines of anthropology as well as those encompassing applied problems or issues. Part of this assignment requires students to select paper

topics rather than the instructor assigning specific topics to students. Please try and be creative but also choose a topic that interests you. The textbook is an

excellent starting point for assisting you in selecting a topic and for locating references when writing your paper. Additionally there is a list of possible topics

below in this document. You must have your topic approved by the instructor prior to your research.
Each student must submit a one-paragraph abstract (electronic only) of their topic for approval by March 6 to Rebecca Salem at You must include

your name in the subject of the email with this abstract. This abstract should introduce the topic and explain your specific focus and what question you are looking to

answer in your research paper. The final research paper—both electronic and hard copy—are due on April 17 by the beginning of class to Rebecca Salem in class and to The research paper constitutes 75/300 points or 25% of the final grade. The research paper must include a cover sheet with course title and number,

name, date, and title of the paper. Your digital copy of the paper must be submitted with the subject of your email stating your name and include your digital copy of

the paper attached as a .doc/.docx file and saved with your name (for example: Salem, Rebecca Final Paper).
Grading Rubric for Research Paper TITLE SECTION HEADINGS
Format and Procedures (15 pts. possible) _____
______Paper topic (abstract) has been approved by the instructors (2 pts.)
______Electronic and hard copy of paper is turned in by April 17 (2 pts)/Additional points will be  subtracted depending upon tardiness
______Cover sheet includes course title, course number, student’s name, date submitted, and the title of the paper (1 pt.)
______Double-spaced and one inch margins (2 pts.)
______Each page is numbered (1 pt.)
______Times New Roman 12 point font (1 pt.)
______Includes section titled “References Cited” (2 pts.) (this is the final page, follows format above and includes all materials cited in the paper and does not

could as one of the pages of your essay)
______Includes a minimum of five references; minimum of two journals (2 pts.)
______Paper is 6 pages in length (2 pts.) – these six pages does not include the title page, nor the  references cited page
Content (60 pts. possible) _____
______States research question (i.e., topic of the research) in the introduction (10 pts.) (what is your topic, why it is important, what you are hoping to accomplish)

______Main body of the paper (40 pts.)  (develops your own point of view or argument, citing references when appropriate) SECTION HEADING INCLUDED
______Conclusions section (10 pts.) (e.g., implications of the research, suggestions for future research, conclusions) SECTION HEADING INCLUDED
Paper Topics
A good strategy for choosing a paper topic is to identify a topic from lecture, the syllabus, films, or the text that interests you. There are a large number of topics

to choose from but try not to pick one that is so broad that you can’t cover it sufficiently in six to eight pages. For example, possible tool use among

australopithecines is more manageable than just “Australopithecines”.  Below are a few topics to get you thinking in this direction. Some are too broad to be paper

topics but paper topics are embedded within them. Again, start by looking in your text for relevant information.
Sickle-cell anemia in modern populations Human behavioral ecology (some aspect of) Absolute or relative dating techniques   Parental investment patterns among . . .

Distribution of ABO blood groups   The Piltdown hoax  Infectious disease (specific) Bonobos as model for human evolution  Stresses of high altitudes Differences

between bonobos/common  Origins of HIV       Hypotheses explaining bipedalism The incest taboo among humans    The earliest hominids Anthropological concepts of race

Oldowan tools/Excavations at Olduvai Tool use among chimpanzees    The Australopithecines (select topic)    Dominance hierarchies (macaques, chimps)  Some aspect

relating to Homo erectus Aggressive interactions among chimpanzees  Acheulian tools Hunting among chimpanzees     What happened to the Neandertals?  Infanticide among

nonhuman primates   The Nariokotome site Some aspect of gorilla behavior, morphology   Some aspect relating to early Homo sapiens Use of vocalizations by nonhuman

primates  Neandertals (select topic) Emergence of language     Cave art Experimental archaeology and early stone tools  The Mesolithic  Ethics in archaeology

Kennewick Man NAGPRA      Regional subsistence practices Prehistoric exotic material exchange   CRM today Geographic information systems and archaeology Feminist

archaeology/anthropology Origin of food production in the Old World  Bridewealth/Dowry Reciprocity in band societies    Parenting strategies among the Ju/’hoansi

Warfare among the Yanomamo (or other topics)  The impact of dams on the environment Cultural change among the Inuit    Revitalization movements   Rites of passage

Multiculturalism The first American farmers    History of ethics in cultural anthropology Ethnographic techniques    Some specific aspect of globalization Nonverbal

communication    Sociolinguistics Contemporary issues among foragers   Pastoralism and herding The Ju/’hoansi/!Kung (selected topics)   Potlatching Pantribal

sodalities and age grades   Changes in North American kinship patterns Same sex marriages     Plural marriage /Polygyny, Polyandry    Industrial stratification

Colonialism and development Cultural materialism     Indigenous land rights  Exogamy, alliance and the incest taboo   Some aspect of magic and/or religion The Nuer

(selected topics)    Sexuality among the Etoro Influential anthropologists (select one)   The Central Kalahari Game Reserve (Botswana)
References Cited Example
Bates, D.G. (2005). Human adaptive strategies. Boston: Pearson Education. Cartwright, J. (2008).  Evolution and human behavior: Darwinian perspectives on human nature

(2nd  ed.). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Ember, C.R., Ember, M., & Peregrine, P.N. (2015). Anthropology (14th Ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ:  Pearson Education Inc.

Hitchcock, R.K., Sapignoli, M., & Babchuk, W.A. (2011). What about our rights? Settlements,  subsistence and livelihood security among Central Kalahari San and

Bakgalagadi. International Journal of Human Rights 15(1): 62-88. Kottak, C.P. (2016).  Anthropology: Appreciating human diversity (16th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Leakey, M.D., and Hay, R.L. (1979). Pliocene footprints in Laetoli beds at Laetoli, Northern Tanzania.  Nature 278: 317-323. Murdock, G.P., and Provost, C.  (1973).

Factors in the division of labor by sex:  A Cross-cultural  analysis. Ethnology XII (2): 203-225. Peters-Golden, H. (2012).  Culture sketches: Case studies in

anthropology (6th ed.). New York: McGraw- Hill. Vrba, E.S. (1985). Ecological and adaptive changes associated with early hominid evolution. In E. Delson  (Ed.),

Ancestors: The hard evidence (pp. 63-71). New York: Alan R. Liss.
You are encouraged to use both books and journals. Relevant journals include American Anthropologist, American Antiquity, American Journal of Physical Anthropology,

American Journal of Primatology, Annual Review of Anthropology, Antiquity, Before Farming, Current Anthropology, Ethnology, Evolutionary Anthropology, Folia

Primatologia, International Journal of Human Rights, International Journal of Primatology, Journal of Human Evolution, Human Nature, Midcontinental Journal of

Archaeology, Nature, North American Archaeologist, Plains Anthropologist, Science, etc.

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