Brief review of the theories of cognitive psychology Course:- Other Subject

Brief review of the theories of cognitive psychology Course:- Other Subject
Which theory of the origins of prejudice best describes the relationship between our attitudes and our behavior? Why? 150 words for this question.

Allport is typically credited with the development of the contact hypothesis. Was Allport correct in this hypothesis? Why or why not? 150 words for this question

Write a paper of 750-1,000 words that explores how cognitive psychology is used in the development of high-stakes academic competency tests to mitigate prejudice and
stereotyping in the test items. Include the following:

1. A brief review of the theories of cognitive psychology and their applications to learning and instruction. (Benchmarks C 3.4: Apply the theories of cognitive
psychology to learning and instruction.)

2. A discussion of how cognitive psychology can mitigate prejudice in the creation of high-stakes academic competency test items.

3. A discussion of how cognitive psychology can mitigate stereotyping in the creation of high-stakes academic competency test items.

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