CBM Graph

APA Format

Plagiarism report

Create a Graph using scores below

Scores: Out of 100 pts. or %

1) 32

2) 60

3) 68

4) 60

5) 68

6) 80

7) 64

8) 56


You should graph your performance on each quiz using points or a percentage. All eight scores listed above. You should report points obtained per quiz or percentage. Briefly answer a few questions related to your experience completing the Glossary Quizzes. The six questions are as follows:  

1.    The first time I took a Glossary Quiz, I…

2.   Each week I found the Glossary Quiz to be…

3.   The best thing about this assignment was…

4.   The worst thing about this assignment was…

5.   I would/would not use a CBM process such as this with my students, because…

6.   This assignment would have been better if…

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