Change Management|Business & Finance

Change Management|Business & Finance


We are most of the time resistant to change


Change in your organization—Getting started

4 Ps Group Exercise (15 min)

Decide on 1 major org change within the group

On flip chart paper create 4 columns

Project Name- what is the project?

Purpose- why are we changing?

Particulars- what are we changing?

People- who will be changing?

4Ps Continued

Project Name Purpose Particulars People
Finally, consider:

What % of the Purpose is dependent on the People doing their jobs differently?

Change Models to Consider

Diffusion of Innovation and Attributes of Change Success (E. Rogers)

Adoption of change will vary among groups

Considerations for predicting success of the change

8 Steps for Leading Change (J. Kotter)

Moving forward and enacting the change

Roger’s Diffusion of Innovations

Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation

Dancing Man


Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation


5 Attributes that Determine the Success of the Change

Relative Advantage





Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation

Why do certain innovations spread more quickly than others?

Why do others fail? Diffusion scholars recognize five qualities that determine the success of an innovation.

Relative Advantage

The degree to which an innovation is perceived as being better than the idea it supersedes

“ How will this make my life easier/better?”

Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation

This is the degree to which an innovation is perceived as better than

the idea it supersedes by a particular group of users, measured in

terms that matter to those users, like economic advantage, social

prestige, convenience, or satisfaction. The greater the perceived

relative advantage of an innovation, the more rapid its rate of

adoption is likely to be.


The degree to which an innovation is perceived as consistent with the existing values, past experiences, & needs of potential adopters

“How well does it fit?”

Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation

This is the degree to which an innovation is perceived as being

consistent with the values, past experiences, and needs of potential

adopters. An idea that is incompatible with their values, norms or

practices will not be adopted as rapidly as an innovation that is



The degree to which an innovation is perceived as relatively difficult to understand and use

“If you can’t explain it, they won’t try it.”

Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation

This is the degree to which an innovation is perceived as difficult to

understand and use. New ideas that are simpler to understand are

adopted more rapidly than innovations that require the adopter to

develop new skills and understandings.


The degree to which an innovation may be experimented with on a limited basis

“Can I try it out before I buy it?”

Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation

This is the degree to which an innovation can be experimented with

on a limited basis. An innovation that is trialable represents less

uncertainty to the individual who is considering it.


The degree to which the results of an innovation are visible to others

“But so-and-so is doing it.”

Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation

This is the degree to which an innovation can be experimented with

on a limited basis. An innovation that is trialable represents less

uncertainty to the individual who is considering it.

Using the change from the 4Ps exercise, discuss:

How does it relate to Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation?

Use the worksheet template provided as a checklist to determine if the change can meet the 5 attributes for successful change

Group Exercise (10 Minutes)

Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation

Use worksheet

Kotter’s 8 Steps for Leading Change

Step 1: Creating a Sense of Urgency

This is the “why” (Remember Sinek video)

Step 2: Putting Together a Guiding Team

Individuals are better at generating ideas, but groups are better at evaluating them

Diversity is key to avoid groupthink

Kotter’s 8 Step Process for Leading Change

Step 1

Complacency happens to be the default state of the human brain

We prefer to be safe rather than sorry

This makes change difficult on both a personal and organizational level

OSUHS made a video showing an angry parent whose daughter died because of medical error that could have been prevented if patient’s information was stored electronically

“aim for the heart”

Connect to the deepest values of the people and inspire them to greatness

If left to its own devices, the human brain reverts to the status quo.

leading with excitement, inspiration, and vision, discovering the strengths of teams and team members, bringing honest feedback to the forefront, taking risks, and making the fear visible to get people out of their inertness are all ways to lead change.

Step 2

Possible reference to the listening exercise?

Possible reference to Myers-Briggs temperament types?

i.e.. A ‘feeler’ will be helpful with the way communication will be perceived

Possible reference to effective teams and Tuckman’s stages

Kotter’s 8 Steps (continued)

Step 3: Getting the Right Vision and Strategy

Focus on the why and the how…the what will follow naturally.

What is the mission statement? The practices should support that.

Kotter’s 8 Step Process for Leading Change

Step 3

Our emotional brain is much larger than our logical one. Hence, people do not change for logical reason, people change for emotional reason

If anything, the logical part of our brain tells us we should not change

A great vision will give people a sense of accomplishment, a sense of autonomy and ownership, and a sense of pride.

Kotter’s 8 Steps (continued)

Step 4: Communicating for Understanding and Buy-in

Tailor your message to your various audiences. Remember the diffusion curve?

Use “YOU” language

Choose a medium of communication that people will actually pay attention to

Use the persuasion techniques mentioned earlier (Cialdini)

Kotter’s 8 Step Process for Leading Change

Step 4

As humans, we simply cannot remember everything. Research shows that we remember closer to ‘nothing’ than we do ‘everything’

Leaders who transform their organizations “walk the talk.” They seek to become a living example of the new corporate culture that the vision aspires to.

The definition of leadership can be boiled down to ‘the ability to influence’–but it’s not just about influencing others (change starts with yourself)

Practical strategies are required, asking audience members to relate the key message they understood or to have a short ‘context’ or ‘objective’ sentence at the beginning and the end to help remind the audience’s busy and distracted brain the purpose of the communication.

Kotter’s 8 Steps (continued)

Step 5: Empowering Others to Act

Give people a voice and a chance to contribute to making the change work (Hawthorne studies)

Step 6: Generating Short-Term Wins

Small, short-term successes need to be blast communicated. It builds confidence and momentum in the change.

Kotter’s 8 Step Process for Leading Change

Step 5

When the staff is empowered to take part in the change, rather than a top-down approach, there will be much better buy-in

Possible reference to how OSUHS used physicians to create clinical pathways and be change management champions

Step 6

The wins must be both visible and unambiguous

If the wins are not visible to all, they must be broadcasted

Such wins provide evidence that the sacrifices that people are making are paying off. This increases the optimism of those who are making the effort to change.

Kotter’s 8 Steps (continued)

Step 8: Make it Stick

Culture takes a long time to change.

Realistically evaluate the successes and failures of the change.

Kotter’s 8 Step Process for Leading Change

Step 7: Never Letting Up**

Be persistent and realistic. There is a learning curve with any change.

** But, avoid escalation of commitment.

Step 7

However, it is important that this urgency is not what Kotter refers to as ‘false sense of urgency’.

‘false sense of urgency’ – People are busy, working-working-working, but their actions don’t result in helping the business succeed in their primary goal. This leads to unproductive results, and eventually, burnout.

Step 8

Tradition is a powerful force. We keep change in place by creating a new, supportive and sufficiently strong organizational culture. A Guiding Coalition alone cannot root change in place no matter how strong they are. It takes the majority of the organization truly embracing the new culture for there to be any chance of success in the long term.


Performance and Morale


Many assume that when a change is implemented, immediate benefits or improvements will occur (in fact, they “sell” the change based on these predictions)


This sets unrealistic expectations about the benefits of the change, how long it will take, and the payback of any investment in the change

Change is introduced

The Myth

Source: Dr. David Herold


Performance and Morale



Depth of decline

The reality is that there is a decline in productivity, even if everyone is on board

Learning curve

Making mistakes


Change is introduced

The depth and the duration of the decline are what you try to control, or “manage”




Communication, etc.

In addition, there are those that resist change, either in behavior or attitude.

This further adds to the decline

Duration of decline

The Reality

Source: Dr. David Herold


Performance and Morale



Depth of decline

Duration of decline


Change is introduced


This loss of productivity, and the associated costs of emotional reactions, should be included in planning the change and setting expectations


Only after a period of time do the benefits of the change become real

The Cost

Source: Dr. David Herold

Breaking the surface — 4Ps

Will it work?— Rogers’ Diffusion and 5 Attributes

Moving forward and enacting — Kotter’s 8 Steps

Myth vs reality of a change

Plan in advance your resistance points for resources dedicated to the change (time, money, etc.)


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