How did the Cold War shape ideals about family life in America, especially the lives of white women?

How did the Cold War shape ideals about family life in America, especially the lives of white women?
How did the Cold War shape ideals about family life in America, especially the lives of white women?
minimum 900 words.


This score is for following assignment instructions (minimum word count, double-spacing, saved in D2L-acceptable format, copy posted to appropriate discussion board
for Classmate Response).


This score is for using only the assigned source (American Promise textbook), and for an originality score that is 10% or lower. Use D2L’s Originality Report to assess
the originality of your work. If your score is higher than 10%, revise and resubmit.

NOTE: You may only use outside sources if American Promise says EXACTLY the same thing. You will have to prove that in your essay by following up your outside source
with a direct or indirect quote from American Promise with page number(s), that says exactly the same thing.

I interpret copying essay content from the Internet as “bad faith.” If you submit a bad-faith essay, you will get zero points for the assignment, and I will report you
to administration for academic dishonesty.

CONTENT I (40%):

This criteria is heavily weighted. It assesses your thoroughness in discussing each of the topics required by the essay prompt. HINT: Getting all 30 points for BBE#1
requires you to write in great detail about three specific topics. Be sure to give “equal space” to all parts of your discussion.


To earn these points, you must thoughtfully mix direct quotes and indirect quotes. Indirect quotes are important because they demonstrate your ability to digest the
readings and put the main points into your own words. Direct quotes are important because they add strength to your argument: they help to convince the reader that you
have mastered the material.

The correct mix is roughly 20% direct quotes to 80% paraphrased information.


Your essay should be in proper English, with correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar, as befits a college student. Word offers an excellent spell-
grammar-style check program. See my video (under D2L’S CONTENT BROWSER) for tips on using spell-check. Run your completed essay through spell check (you cannot rely on
Word’s autocorrect feature–you must invoke the spell check program). After spell-checking your work, give your essay a quick read to make sure spell check hasn’t
missed improper word usages.


This score assesses the quality of your thesis statement and your skill in using each paragraph of text to prove your thesis.

Please see this guide for my preferred citation format, for an explanation of WHEN you must provide page references, and for models you can use in all of your essays
for this class.

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