Use Arc GIS to answer these questions I will give you the username and password

Create a folder called “Midterm” on your desktop and save there the geodatabase under ASSIGNMENTSMIDTERM  MidTerm Computer Part  data.mdb. The file is not zipped

so you should be able to add and read its contents directly In ArcMap.

You will find four layers in the geodatabase:

• “Houses”: This is point feature class representing house locations. It has one field (CID) that contains a unique identifier for each house.
• “House_Characteristics”: This is a table that contains four attributes: a unique identifier for each house (CID), the number of occupants per house

(NumPeople), the size of the floorplan in square feet (SqFootage), and the property value in thousands of dollars (PropValue).
• “River”: This is a line feature class that represents a river that crosses the study area.
• “Roads”: This is a line feature class that represents the center lines of main streets and avenues. It has three attributes: the name of the street (ST_NAME),

the type (ST_TYPE), and the length of each street or avenue segment (Shape_length).
• “Floodplain”: This is a polygon feature class that represents the extent of the 100-year floodplain (the maximum flooding area in the past 100 years) and 200-

year floodplain (the maximum flooding area in the past 200 years). It has three attributes: the maximum flooding area in the past 100 and 200 years (Floodplain_Year =

100 or 200), the length of the perimeter in feet (shape_length), and the area in square feet (Shape_Area)


• Please type your answers in this word document and, when finished, upload it directly onto CANVAS (Midterm Computer Based Part).

• For each question, write down the type of query and the steps you took to answer it and the numeric results. Each question is worth 5 points.

• At the end of each question you will find the layers that are needed to solve the problem. This part is due Tue, Feb 7 at 3:30 pm (when class starts). Late

exams will not be accepted or graded.

1) If a flood affects the surface area of the 100-year floodplain: How many people will be directly affected? How many houses will be damaged? If the cost of the

damages is 1% of the total property value of all affected houses, what will the costs of the losses be (in thousands of dollars)? Use “Houses” and “Floodplain”. Link

the table “House_Characteristics” to “HOUSES” based on CID.
Type of query:

2) How many houses have more than or equal to 7 people and have a square footage of more than or equal to 3000 sq. feet but do not have a property value of more

than $350 K? Use “Houses”
Type of query:

3) If the flood severely damages the road network in the 100-year floodplain area, what percentage (roughly) of the total road network will require some

maintenance because of these damages? Use: “Roads” and “Floodplain”
Type of query:

4) If the flood affects the houses within 2 miles of the river channel, how many houses will be affected?
From this subset, how many: fall within the 200-year floodplain only (not in the 100-year floodplain), have a square footage of more than 3546 sq. feet, have less than

5 occupants, and cost $500 k or less? These four criteria occur simultaneously.
Use “River”, “Houses”, and “Floodplain”.
Type of query:

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