Correlation / Regression

Submit one Word document for this assignment (copy and paste SPSS output into your Word document). All datasets can be found on the textbook companion website at under the file name Andy Field’s Datasets.

  1. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Using the data set Chamorro-Premuzic.sav, you will focus on the variables related to Extroversion and Agreeableness (student and lecturer). Perform exploratory data analysis on all variables in the data set (boxplots, barcharts, histograms, and scatterplots). Because you are going to focus on the variables Extroversion and Agreeableness, be sure to include scatterplots with regression lines as well for these combinations of variables:·Student Agreeableness/Lecturer Agreeableness · Student Extroversion/Lecturer Extroversion · Student Agreeableness/Lecturer Extroversion ·Student Extroversion/Lecturer Agreeableness Copy and paste the output into your Word document with appropriate titles. (5 pts.)
  2. Interpretation of EDA: Give a one- to two-paragraph write-up of the data from the EDA once you have completed step 1. (5 pts.)
  3. EDA Descriptive Statistics: Create an APA-style table that presents descriptive statistics for the sample above. (5 pts.)
  4. EDA Missing Data: Make a decision about the missing data from the sample above. How are you going to handle it, and why? (5 pts.)
  5. Correlation Table: Perform a correlational analysis on the following variables:·Student Extroversion · Lecturer Extroversion · Student Agreeableness ·Lecturer Agreeableness Make sure that you handle missing data as you decided above. Create an APA table for the results. (5 pts.)
  6. Correlation Test: State if you are using a one- or two-tailed test, and why. (5 pts.)
  7. Correlation Results: Write up the results from the correlation in APA style and interpret them. (10 pts.)
  8. Regression: Using the student’s extroversion score, calculate a regression that examines whether or not you can predict if a student wants a lecturer to be extroverted. Ensure that you handle missing data as you decided above. Include diagnostics. Copy and paste the output into your Word document. (5 pts.)
  9. Regression Test: State if you are using a one- or two-tailed test, and why. (5 pts.)
  10. Regression Assumptions: Discuss assumptions; are they met? (5 pts.)
  11. Regression Results: Write the results in APA style and interpret them. (10 pts.)
  12. Comparison: Discuss whether the regression results differ from the correlation results above. (5 pts.)
  13. Multiple Regression: Calculate a multiple regression that examines whether age, gender, and the student’s extroversion predict if a student wants the lecturer to be extroverted. Ensure that you handle missing data as you decided above. Include diagnostics. Copy and paste the output into your Word document. (5 pts.).
  14. Multiple Regression Test: State if you are using a one- or two-tailed test, and why. (5 pts.)
  15. Multiple Regression Assumptions: Discuss assumptions; are they met? (5 pts.)
  16. Multiple Regression Results: Write the results in APA style and interpret them. (10 pts.)

  1. Multiple Regression Comparison: Discuss whether these results differ from the correlation results above. (5 p
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