Data Structure Project

Overview:Overview:The median is the value separating the lower half of a data sample from the upper half when the data is sorted. For a dataset, it may be thought of as the “middle” value. For example, in the data set {1, 3, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9}, the median is 6, is the fourth largest value, and also the fourth smallest value, in the sample of 7 elements.
When the number of data elements in the data set is even, the median is the average of the middle two values. For example, in the data set {1, 3, 3, 6, 8, 8, 9, 9}, the median is (6 + 8)/2  = 7, since 6 is the fourth smallest value and 8 is the fourth largest value, in the sample of 8 elements.
Note that the data may not always be presented in sorted order. Order of data does not change the median. For example, the median of {10, 1, 20, 3, 5} is 5. Since 5 is the third largest and also the third smallest element in the data set of 5 elements.
Median is a good central measure of data when the data set has abnormal outliers which are too high or too low compared to other data elements. Such outliers are common in weather-related data where short spans of calamities like cyclones, cloudbursts etc., can result in large parameter values for a short period of the years. However, the median would be robust to such extreme data points.
The goals of this assignment are to:
Understand, implement, and use minimum and maximum priority queues.Implement each priority queue using an array-based heap as shown in readings and lecture.Work with a stream of data in which new data arrives as the program is running.Find and present the “current median” of a stream of data without having to explicitly sort and insert elements.  The “current median” is the median of the data processed so far in the stream of data values.SpecificationsImagine that you have been recruited in the weather department. The weather department gets the temperature measurements of your city every day when the sun is at its highest point in the sky. Every day, the weather department wants to publish the median temperature of the city since the beginning of time (or the year so far).
Write a program which has two modes, interactive mode and file mode.
Interactive ModeInteractive mode is entered when the user does not pass in filenames as command-line arguments.   In interactive mode, the user is prompted for a value (of type double) and then the current median over all previously entered values is displayed.   This loop repeats until the user enters q to quit.  Actually, any non-double value will end the program if running in interactive mode. See sample runs for more examples.

File ModeThe program runs in File mode if the user includes command-line arguments (CLAs).  The program reads the name of input files (ex. somefile.txt) from command-line arguments array and opens an output file whose name is derived from the name of input file name by appending “_out” to the input file name before the “.txt” extension (ex. somefile_out.txt).
For each value read from the file, the program will write the median of the data values read so far for that file to a new line of an output file.  If the filename is not a valid file, then no values are read, and a file not found message is displayed. See sample runs.
For every temperature value Ti, the program writes the median temperature of the values read from the first temperature value of the file to the current temperature (Median of T1, T2, T3, … Ti).  Each median value is written to its own line of the output file.  See sample output files.
All input/output files are guaranteed to be text files with extension “.txt”. The input filenames (without the extension “.txt”) are guaranteed to have no period “.” character.

Example Runwe can run the program as follows:
java MedianStream file1.txt file2.txt … filen.txtinput filename input file contents output filename PQ imagesview in sequencefile0.txt 1   3 4file0_out.txt file0 imagesfile1.txt 10 1 20 3 5file1_out.txt file1 imagesfile2.txt 9    12        1file2_out.txt file2 imagesfile3.txt -50    -30    0   1060   80   10-80   -40    85  -15file3_out.txt file3 images
AlgorithmYou are given the following five classes:
EmptyQueueException.javaPriorityQueueADT.javaMaxPQ.javaMinPQ.javaMedianStream.javaAs the input stream arrives, store the numbers in two Priority Queues such that at any point of time, about half of the numbers (smaller than the median) are in a MaxPQ and the other half of the numbers (greater than the median) are in a MinPQ. For correct execution of your algorithm, you must maintain the sizes of the two priority queues to be same or differ by 1 at most.
When a new element arrives, check if it greater than or less than the current median. If it is less than the current median, then the element has to be inserted in MaxPQ else it has to be inserted in MinPQ. Let’s assume we need to insert the element into MinPQ.
Case 1: If size(MinPQ) = size(MaxPQ), then the new element can be inserted into MinPQ. The new median is the top of MinPQ.
Case 2: If size(MinPQ) = size(MaxPQ) – 1, then the new element can be inserted into MinPQ. The new median is the average of the highest priority element of MinPQ and MaxPQ respectively.
Case 3: If size(MinPQ) = size(MaxPQ) + 1, then remove the highest priority element of MinPQ and insert it into MaxPQ. Insert the new element into MinPQ. The new median is the average of the highest priority element of MinPQ and MaxPQ respectively.
Similarly, think what would happen when we insert the new element into MaxPQ.
You are required to implement the priority queues using array-based heaps as presented in readings and lecture.For getMax() and removeMax() you must throw a EmptyQueueException if they are called and the queue is empty.For insert(), you must throw IllegalArgumentException if the arguments are not appropriate.
Recommended order for completing this assignmentComplete MinPQ and MaxPQ so that it implements the PriorityQueueADT provided to you.Thoroughly test each queue implementation with type Double.Complete the MedianStream class. This class is where the algorithm presented above for finding the median of a stream of values is found. The code inserts numbers into the priority queues and balances them to maintain roughly equal size which is best suited for the fast execution of your algorithm. Run your program on a small number of inputs, and check the output. Make sure to test your program on unsorted data sets.Finally, test your program on a very large number of inputs.  StepsAfter you have read this program page and given thought to the problem we suggest the following steps:
If you are working with a partner, review the rules for pair programming and join a group with your Program 3 project partner before 10 PM ON Tuesday, Nov 1, 2017. After this deadline, you’ll need to work individually.  See instructions for joining the p3pair group in announcements above.Review the commenting and style standards that are used to evaluate your program.You may use the Java development environment of your choice in CS 367. However, all programs must compile and run on the lab computers for grading. If you are going to use the CS lab computers, we recommend that you use Eclipse. You may want to review the Eclipse tutorial to learn the basics. Note that on the Linux lab computers, you should enter “eclipse&” at the prompt instead of what is described in the tutorial.Download this file to a programming assignment p3 folder that you make.  Unzip all the files in your p3 program folder.Incrementally implement and thoroughly test each method of your program (see the Recommended order … section).Hand in partially complete versions of your program as a backup in case your computer crashes and work is lost.If you are not using the lab computers to develop your program, make sure you compile and run your program to ensure that it works on the Linux lab computers. You can compile your Java source using javac in a terminal window as in this example:javac *.javaand then run your program using java as in:java MedianStream input1.txt input2.txt …. inputn.txt Submit your work for grading.
Submitting Your WorkMake sure your code follows the style and commenting standards used in CS 302 and CS 367.All submitted classes must belong to the default package. (No package declaration at top of class).Late work is not accepted.Please submit only the following

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