Decide whether the 2016 presidential elections falsified the general argument put forth in The Party Decides

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PLEASE ARGUE THAT THE PARTY DID NOT DECIDE ON THE PRIMARY NOMINATIONS. Basically, the 2016 presidential primaries falsified the general argument put forth in The Party Decides. Also, please use the book for some quotes as I need about 3-5 sources.

For the first writing assignment, I want you to write a critical review of The Party Decides. In particular, I want you to consider whether the 2016 presidential primaries falsified the general argument put forth in The Party Decides. You will be required to briefly summarize the main arguments and the evidence presented in The Party Decides, and then you will be required to consider whether we should accept Cohen et al.?s argument in light of the 2016 presidential primaries. Although the outcome of the Republican and Democratic primaries were very different (or so it seems), you will be expected to come to an overall assessment of Cohen et al.?s argument. Your paper must be 5-pages double-spaced and you must use the Chicago Manual of Style for citation: You should also use Times New Roman, Garamond, Calibri, or Cambria font styles. It is OK if you use another font style, but please use something that looks professional. Writing Suggestions Although this is not an English class, make sure to use word choice, spelling, and punctuation. Also, since this is an argumentative essay where you will be defending or criticizing the views of Cohen, Karol, Noel, and Zaller, you should make sure to be clear and direct on where you stand with their argument. Somewhere in your introductory paragraph, you should clearly state whether you agree or disagree with their views. In addition, you should briefly explain why in the introduction, and then go on to defend your argument in the rest of the paper. It is OK for you to use personal pronouns. That is, you can say ?In this paper, I will defend, X, Y, and Z?.? In fact, I strongly encourage this since it will improve the clarity of your argument. In addition, your paper should have a clearly discernible introduction, body, and conclusion. You are not required to use section headings, but this can improve the clarity of your writing. In the introduction, you need to briefly outline your thesis, that is, the claim that you want to defend. In this case, you will be agreeing or disagreeing with Cohen et al, so you will want to clearly state whether you agree or disagree. In the body of the essay, you need to defend your argument, which in this case means that you will need to spell out why you agree or disagree with Cohen et al. In your conclusion, you should briefly restate your thesis to make sure that it sticks in with your reader. Finally, you should make sure to acknowledge potential counterarguments. For example, if you disagree with Cohen et al., at some point in the essay you should anticipate what kind of response Cohen et al. might have to your argument, and then explain why your view is right. Grading Standards Your paper will be graded on the basis of how well it is written and argued. Since everyone disagrees, you do not need to convince me, personally, that your argument is right. However, you need to build a convincing case, which means that you need to clearly set forth reasons for why your view should be accepted, you need to consider possible counterarguments, and so forth.

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