Describe each of the English Colonies in the section ‘American Colonies’ in your own words.

Describe each of the English Colonies in the section ‘American Colonies’ in your own words.Objectives:
Summarize the chapter.
Recognize the critical points of the chapter.
Demonstrate an understanding of the material and purpose of the chapter.
Focus Questions – Answer only 3 of the following questions.
What were the characteristics of English colonies in the Chesapeake region, the Carolinas, the middle Colonies—Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware—and New England prior to 1700?
Based on the sections “American Colonies,” “The Restoration in the Colonies,” and “The Middle Colonies and Georgia” create a list of the English Colonies and their defining political, economic, social, and religious characteristics.
How were the typical first settlers of the New England colonies different from those who settled the Jamestown colonies?
Summarize each of the English Colonies in the section ‘American Colonies’ in your own words.
What caused the Virginia colony to begin to thrive?
Why did the eight lords proprietors believe that sites South of the Carolinas were worth more of their attention than the Albemarle region?
Why were the Middle Colonies more diverse and tolerant than other English colonies in North America?
Do Not copy from the textbook. Write what you learned from the book and lecture summary.
These two are all that is needed for this assignment.
Identify the question being answered.
Each answer should be in the range of 75 to 150 words.
Cite any statistics used in the textbook.
For example, “During the American Revolutionary War, 200,000 young men (Shi, 163)…
The quality of the responses will determine the grade.

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