Develop a scatter plot to visualize the relationship between CityCO2 and HwyCO2| statistics

Develop a scatter plot to visualize the relationship between CityCO2 and HwyCO2| statistics

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Code for Data Analysis:

In R go to File< New Script (New Document on MAC) – A new script window will pop up. You should write all of your code in a script window and not directly in the console.

The R code can be uploaded directly into R by copying and pasting everything below R Code DA5 into a script window.

Note: Any time you see # this means that R will not read what follows. I will use this to make comments about the following command.

R Code DA5


#Upload Data

co2data = read.csv(file.choose(), header = TRUE)

#Look at data


# Attach Data Set! Very Important Step!

# This allows you to not call the variable every time!


# develop a scatterplot to visualize the relationship between CityCO2 and HwyCO2

plot(CityCO2, HwyCO2, main = “Relationship between City CO2 Emissions

and Highway CO2 Emissions”, xlab = “CityCO2 for 2017 Vehicles”, ylab = “Highway FE”)

# Compute the correlation coefficient between CityCO2 and HwyCO2

cor(CityCO2, HwyCO2)

# Obtain the least squares regression line and t test for the slope p-value

mod = lm(HwyCO2~CityCO2)


# Plot the residuals for the analysis between CityCO2 and HwyCO2

plot(CityCO2, mod$residuals, main = “Residuals”)

abline(h = 0, lty =2, lwd = 2, col = “red”)

# Calculate the 95% CI for the slope.

confint(mod, level = 0.95)

# Predict the Highway CO2 when City CO2 is 360.

predict(mod, data.frame(CityCO2 = 550))

# Compute a 95% confidence interval for when the Highway CO2 when City CO2 is 550.

predict(mod, data.frame(CityCO2 = 550), interval = “confidence”, level = 0.95)

# Compute a 95% prediction interval for when the Highway CO2 when City CO2 is 550.

predict(mod, data.frame(CityCO2 = 550), interval = “prediction”, level = 0.95)

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