Development during Adolescence and Early Adulthood

Development during Adolescence and Early Adulthood

Prepare  a 6–8 page case study paper that describes a hypothetical person in two stages of life development.
• View the person as a hypothetical client if you are studying Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA.
• The goal of this paper is for you to present a developmental profile of a person in two consecutive stages of life (e.g., early and middle childhood), explaining their individual growth using biological, social, psychosocial, cognitive, and environmental theories.
• Select developmental periods that interest you and that correspond to your future career plans. For example, if you are studying to be an addictions specialist and want to work with adolescents, you might select adolescence and early adulthood.
• -select  two successive developmental stages.
• prepare  an outline of the client’s different developmental features during each of the developmental periods.
• prepare  a paper that follows the sample case study.
• You must use at least five primary source references that are from peer-reviewed journals and the class text.
Client: Jackson

Age range: 1st Age (15 YRS OLD-ADOLESCENCE)


Jackson has developed phobias over the last few years, specifically to spiders, heights, and germs. He (or his parents, if you make him a child) is uncertain as to when they began or how. However, the fear is debilitating and prevents him from being able to function in his life.

Questions to use to guide your response:

1. What are the main features of Jackson’s cognitive, social, biological, and psychosocial development during two developmental periods?
2. Which therapeutic interventions would you suggest for helping him to reduce the fear? (Hint: Again, consider his developmental period in order to create appropriate interventions.)
3. What predictions would you make for some developmental issues that might contribute to the phobias or prevent treatment from working?

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