Differentiate between biological sex and gender and discuss some of the ways in which identity is constructed and how that manifests in art.

Cindy Sherman, from this unit’s discussion, shows us that most photographs, unless they’re candids where the subject is unaware, are a kind of performance, an image that the photographer or the sitter presents to the world. This is especially true of images on social media. In a sense we’re performing some part of ourselves for the wider world.

It’s worth taking a close look and thinking about what is happening in these performances.

Unit Learning Outcomes

Differentiate between biological sex and gender and discuss some of the ways in which identity is constructed and how that manifests in art. (2, 3, 4)


Take a look at your Instagram feed, or any other social media where people post a lot of selfies.

Select three to four (3-4) examples to post and explain how they are performing their gender identity in the image.

Image result for genial.ly logo https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.Ybx037f-x5u-SRC4dK-_ggHaGd?w=172&h=160&c=7&o=5&pid=1.7

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