Discuss Amazon Go’s target market

Discuss Amazon Go’s target market

paper 1 (Chapter 2)
Read Amazon’s description of Amazon Go here, first. Then, read this Fast Company article. Finally, please answer the following questions. You are not required to use complete sentences, but please write enough that I can understand your answer. Type your answers directly into this document and submit it on D2L. Submit either a Word document or a PDF; please do not submit Pages documents.

1. What type of marketing management philosophy do you think Amazon has? Why do you think so?

2. Discuss Amazon Go’s target market. (Your answer should refer to specifically Amazon Go, not Amazon in general.)

亚马逊副总裁 Gianna Puerini 说,Amazon Go的目标是为“匆忙、饥饿的人”服务。消费者会找到随拿即走的食物、小吃和饮料等。Amazon Go用科技来帮助人们不用拥挤在收银员周围付账的神奇体验,看起来达到了

3. When Amazon developed Amazon Go, which option were they pursuing from Ansoff’s opportunity matrix? How do you know?

4. Now, consider the Boston Consulting Group’s Portfolio Matrix. In Amazon’s portfolio of strategic business units, is Amazon Go a star, question mark, cash cow, or dog? How do you know?

Question mark:

5. How would you describe Amazon Go’s competitive advantage? What type of competitive advantage do you think it is, and why?

The cashierless shop, which uses AI to ring up your purchases, could be a key part of Amazon’s expanding vision of retail’s future.

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