Discuss domestic issues regarding segregation and civil right

Discuss domestic issues regarding segregation and civil right

Who was the first African-American elected to the Tennessee General Assembly?
A) Isham Harris
B) Robert Taylor
C) Horace Maynard
D) Sampson W. Keeble

One effect of the Interstate Commerce Act (1877) was to put regulations on which industry?
A) farming
B) railroad
C) ranching
D) iron working

In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, why did most immigrants to the United States settle in urban areas?
A) the ready availability of industrial jobs
B) immigrants were not allowed to buy farmland
C) labor unions provided free housing in the cities
D) government restrictions required immigrants to settle in cities

Widespread anti-Chinese sentiment in the late-1800s resulted in
A) native-born Chinese-Americans having their citizenship revoked.
B) Congressional action aimed at prohibiting further Chinese immigration.
C) legal segregation of all Chinese-Americans into separate urban districts.
D) deportation of all Chinese-Americans living in California, Oregon, and Washington.

It has often been argued that the United States is a “melting pot” of cultures. Which is the best explanation of what this means?
A) European cultures are allowed to take precedence over other cultures.
B) Cultures with undesirable traits have those aspects “melted” out of them.
C) People and cultures combine to a degree in which a homogenous culture is created from many.
D) While there is a distinctive basic set of cultures, component groups are distinguishable from one another.

Which is a challenge that is MOST LIKELY unique to urban areas?
A) power outages
B) shortage of water
C) population density
D) lack of personal time

in 1870, the state of Tennessee adopted a new constitution. Which is the BEST explanation for why this happened?
A) The new constitution was adopted to secure suffrage rights for women in Tennessee.
B) The new constitution established a chain of succession for the office of the Governor.
C) The new constitution was written to create a Supreme Court with one Justice from each of the state’s three divisions.
D) The new constitution expressly prohibited slavery, which was required before Tennessee could be readmitted to the Union.

One American inventor held over one thousand patents and invented the phonograph, the light bulb, and motion pictures. Who was this famous American inventor?
A) Henry Ford
B) Thomas Edison
C) Andrew Carnegie
D) Alexander Graham Bell

What was the main purpose of Jane Addams’ “Hull House” of the late-1800s?
A) It helped run-away slaves escape to freedom in the North.
B) It helped Native Americans to avoid being placed on reservations.
C) It put pressure on Congress to pass a law banning alcoholic beverages.
D) It helped immigrants to become accustomed to life in the United States.


Grandfather Clause
Poll Tax
Literacy Test
White Primary

What do these topics all have in common?
A) citizenship
B) Jim Crow Laws
C) disenfranchisement
D) equal rights before the law


What trend would account for the information in the graph?
A) An increasingly industrial society affected the population distribution of the United States.
B) The number of farmers was increasing from the mid-1800s to the mid-1920s.
C) City life was becoming less attractive in the 20th Century.
D) The government discouraged people from farming.

The “Compromise of 1877” regarding the election dispute between Hayes and Tilden is BEST characterized by which of these facts?
A) Hayes was accepted as President and he appointed a Democrat to be his Vice-president.
B) The Democrats accepted Hayes in exchange for being able to appoint the next Supreme Court Justice.
C) The compromise failed and in a bitterly fought battle the House of Representatives elected Hayes as President.
D) Southern Democrats wanted federal troops withdrawn from the South and voting rights of the freedmen decided by state governments.


Which of these represents the industry that is MOST associated with Cornelius Vanderbilt?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
* Hover over answer image to enlarge

What was the purpose of “Jim Crow” laws”
A) to prevent black citizens from obtaining employment
B) to limit the religious activities of southern citizens
C) to create as much division between the races as possible
D) to make it illegal for black children to receive an education

Main Sources of Immigration to the United States 1861 – 1890
Country 1861-1870 1871-1880 1881-1890
Austria-Hungary 7,800 72,969 353,719
Denmark 17,094 31,771 88,132
France 35,986 72,206 50,464
Germany 787,468 718,182 1,452,970
Great Britain-England 222,277 437,706 644,680
Great Britain-Scotland 38,769 87,564 147,869
Ireland 435,778 436,871 655,482
Italy 11,725 55,759 307,309
Norway 71,631 95,323 176,586
Sweden 37,667 115,922 391,776
Switzerland 23,286 28,293 81,988
Russian Empire 2,512 39,284 213,282
China 64,301 123,201 61,711
Canada and Newfoundland 153,878 386,640 393,304
According to this chart, it can be deduced that, in the period 1881-1890,
A) people were no longer leaving countries in Northern Europe.
B) Asian peoples maintained their level of immigration to the U.S.
C) there was a sharp decrease in immigration from Southern Europe than in the previous ten years.
D) there was a drastic increase in immigration from Central and Eastern Europe than in the previous years.

Which political cartoonist exposed William Tweed in the New York Times?
A) Herb Block
B) Thomas Nast
C) Upton Sinclair
D) Horatio Alger


In the 19th century, John D. Rockefeller was MOST associated with the company named _______
A) U.S. Steel.
B) Standard Oil.
C) General Motors Corporation.
D) American Telephone and Telegraph.

Which of these people is CORRECTLY matched with their chosen field of work?
A) Gustavus Swift: food safety
B) Henry Bessemer: shipbuilding
C) Alexander Graham Bell: peanuts
D) George Washington Carver: steel production

Which is the BEST example of a “pull factor” for the thousands of African-Americans who moved to the North and West during the Reconstruction era?
A) job insecurity and low wages in the South
B) “Jim Crow” laws and segregation in the South
C) better job opportunities in the North and West
D) persecution from groups like the Ku Klux Klan and the White League


What effect of the Industrial Revolution MIGHT this picture represent?
A) the rise of the middle class
B) the increase in urban population
C) the spread of infectious diseases
D) the organization of the health care system

Who was the leader of the infamous Tammany Hall political machine in New York City who was accused and convicted of stealing millions of dollars from the New York state treasury?
A) William Tweed
B) George Briggs
C) Thomas Whitney
D) Chester Arthur


“Some pieces of pig iron on one side of the bath attracted my attention by remaining unmelted in the great heat of the furnace, and I turned on a little more air through the fire-bridge with the intention of increasing the combustion…Thus a new direction was given to my thoughts, and after due deliberation I became convinced that if air could be brought into contact with a sufficiently extensive surface of molten crude iron, it would rapidly convert it into malleable iron.”

–From the Autobiography of Henry Bessemer, 1905

Which is the BEST description of how the Bessemer Process revolutionized the manufacture of steel?
A) The Bessemer Process made the steel lighter and easier to transport to far-away markets.
B) The Bessemer Process eliminated the use of coal in the manufacture of steel, which increased the profits of the steel mills.
C) The Bessemer process revolutionized the manufacture of steel by increasing the speed of its production and decreasing its cost.
D) The Bessemer Process allowed for the use of lower quality iron and coal, which in turn increased the profits of the steel mills.


“The problem of our age is the administration of wealth, so that the ties of brotherhood may still bind together the rich and poor in harmonious relationship…. In former days there was little difference between the dwelling, dress, food, and environment of the chief and those of his retainers. . . . The contrast between the palace of the millionaire and the cottage of the laborer with us today measures the change which has come with civilization.

This change, however, is not to be deplored, but welcomed as highly beneficial. It is well, nay, essential for the progress of the race, that the houses of some should be homes for all that is highest and best in literature and the arts, and for all the refinements of civilization, rather than that none should be so. Much better this great irregularity than universal squalor…. Neither master nor servant was as well situated then as to day. A relapse to old conditions would be disastrous to both-not the least so to him who serves-and would sweep away civilization with it….”

-Andrew Carnegie, The Gospel of Wealth, 1889

Which statement BEST represents Andrew Carnegie’s message?
A) rich people are better than poor people
B) rich people have a duty to help society
C) poor people do know know how bad their lives are
D) poor people will get to heaven before rich people


“The ‘Brains’ ”
That Achieved The Tammany Victory At The Rochester Democratic Convention

This cartoon by Thomas Nast was protesting the actions of
A) the greed of Andrew Carnegie.
B) the actions of union organizers.
C) Abraham Lincoln’s corruption charges.
D) “Boss Tweed” in New York City politics.

A major political issue in the Gilded Age was
A) abortion.
B) pollution.
C) bimetallism.
D) civil rights.

During the early 20th Century, increased immigration, industrialization, and urbanization led to
A) a period of economic recession and high unemployment rates.
B) a period of considerable economic growth in the United States.
C) increased American expansion overseas to secure natural resources.
D) increased warfare against the Native Americans on the western frontier.


“You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.”

William Jennings Bryan
‘Cross of Gold’ Speech, 1898

In this excerpt, the speaker is supporting
A) a switch to the gold monetary standard.
B) a repeal of federal and state death penalties.
C) greater religious and spiritual freedom for all.
D) a monetary policy that favors those who are not rich.

The Pendleton Act provided that Federal government jobs be awarded on the basis of merit instead of being a reward for political support. Which of these had the MOST bearing on the passage of this legislation?
A) President Theodore Roosevelt demanded civil service reform as part of his “Square Deal” policies.
B) Muck-raking journalist like Ida Tarbell and Upton Sinclair raised massive public support for the legislation.
C) In 1881, a disgruntled office-seeker assassinated President James Garfield after being rejected for an ambassadorship.
D) Spanish operatives were accused of planting a bomb on the U.S.S. Maine in Havana harbor and killing hundred of sailors.

Between 1878 and 1879, so many Memphis residents died or fled the area that the city lost its charter. What caused this massive decline in the city’s population?
A) a yellow fever epidemic
B) racial violence and riots
C) flooding of the Mississippi River
D) famine caused by widespread drought

Which was a major source of debate between William McKinley and William Jennings Bryan in the Election of 1896?
A) foreign policy issues regarding colonial land holdings
B) domestic issues regarding segregation and civil rights
C) economic issues like bi-metalism, the Gold Standard, and Free Silver
D) foreign policy issues involving the acquisition of the Hawaiian islands
In the early twentieth century, most of the United States textile industry could be found in

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