Discuss motivation theory that you have found to be most useful in explaining why people behave in a certain way?

Discuss motivation theory that you have found to be most useful in explaining why people behave in a certain way?

Managing Groups and Teams; Motivating People

“Good management consists in showing average people how to do the work of superior people.” John D. Rockefeller

Work motivation theories are generally based on human needs. Writers like Abraham Maslow and Clayton Alderfer proposed that needs are universal – that everyone needs those things that will physically sustain them (e.g., food, shelter, safety), will give them an opportunity to relate to other people and will allow them to grow intellectually. These needs have been labeled “existence, relatedness and growth” (Alderfer, 1972). They also proposed that people do not begin to think seriously about relating to others or about intellectual growth until their physiological needs are reasonably well met, and so needs are also hierarchical. While these needs may be universal, the strength of work motivation tends to vary with culture characteristics and with the level of economic development of a country or region. (Klonoski, 2011).

Other theories about work motivation focus on expectations and goals. People consider what work they are willing to do in order to receive some compensation in exchange for it. Further, they consider how they might fare even better in the longer term if the right set of circumstances allows them a chance for advancement. In doing so, they may set goals, or align themselves in an organization with the people and projects that would give them a chance for advancement. Expectation and goal theories are based on a calculation that working well or achieving goals will give them better returns on their efforts which will, in turn, help them to satisfy or improve their conditions of existence, relatedness and growth.

Other theories about work motivation focus on how well someone’s personal characteristics match those of the job he or she has taken, and on whether he or she feels that the workplace is one where rewards are fairly and equitably distributed.


Read Chapters 13 & 14 in the text.

Also of Interest:

Alderfer, C. P., (1972). Existence, relatedness, and growth: Human needs in organizational settings. New York: Free Press, 1972
Klonoski, R. (2011). Work motivation, culture, and economic development: Is work motivation shaped by its socio-economic context? International Journal of Management & Information Systems, 15(4), 91-97.
Senge, P., & Kim, D. H. (2013). From fragmentation to integration: Building learning communities. Reflections, 12(4), 3-11.

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