Discussion/What is the role of the EA?

Discussion/What is the role of the EA?
Read A Day In The Life Of An Enterprise Architect and answer the following questions.

1. 1- What is the role of the EA?

2. 2- How does an EA fit into an organization?

3. 3- What role would you take in an EA effort?

Michelle Chambers
Organizational culture
1. Organizational culture to me is how an organization wants the public to see them. The organization has policies and values to show the public what they should
expect. Allegan General Hospital has a small town feel. They want the public to feel like they are not just a number and every person matters.
2. I love working at Allegan General Hospital. Everyone is so friendly. You can walk down the hall and everyone you pass says Hello. Employees matter to
Management and it is known.
3. The values for Allegan General Hospital is to always provide excellent, compassionate, and personalized healthcare to the community. We value our patients and
customers. The hospital wants patients to know that we are always here to care about them.
4. People get rewarded for doing good deeds. As employees we are able to nominate people for doing good deeds. If you see someone going above and beyond for a
patient or customer, you can write a committee that we have to say they need recognition.
5. People get in trouble for the way they treat people. Like for instance, if an employee talks to a patient rudely, they can get in trouble for the way they
speak. Here at the hospital, we always have to be kind and considerate.
Organizational structure
1. Allegan General Hospital is organized into departments. There are so many departments to make us successful. Each department has a chain of command.
2. We follow our rules and procedures to the tee. Without our rules, there would be trouble. Our rules and procedures make the hospital run smoothly and without
issues. We are very formal.
3. Important decisions are made all of the hospital. First, the top officials like the CEO and CFO, they meet together to discuss important information and make
decisions if they need to be made. But there are time where the top officials meet with supervisors of every department and discuss it with them too and as a whole.
But it also happens that supervisors meet with all of their employees and discuss what was said at the big meetings and if the employees feel like they have
suggestions, supervisors bring it up during top official meetings.
4. There is somewhere around 50 people that report to the Patient Access supervisor. Then our manager has between 20-30 people report to them. In Patient Access
there is 1 supervisor and 2 managers.
5. Yes there is a formal chain of command. For an employee like me, I would go to my manager first. Then to my supervisor. Then we would go to who our supervisor
reports to. Then there is the CEO.
1. All of the leaders are very professional and respectful. All the leaders in this hospital care about all employees and patients.
2. All the leaders are upbeat about all subjects. When we meet, leaders always try and approach everything on a positive note and in a way that is exciting for
3. Leaders spend their time in meetings and in task that benefit the hospital. The leaders have the important jobs of making the hospital successful. They do all
they can to provide an excellent atmosphere.
4. Leaders focus on both tasks and people. They don’t make one more important than the other.
5. The people are valued. They make it known how much they appreciate each and every employee. They provide holiday meals to employees and appreciation lunches.
1. It depends on the chain of command if there are formal or informal teams. The higher command the more formal it is. On the lower level of command, there teams
are informal.
2. Teamwork is gladly encouraged. They want you to be helpful to others. Working as a team is the key to success.
3. I work by myself most of the time but I do consider myself part of a team. In this team, it is our goal to provide excellent patient access to customers.
4. My team usually doesn’t make the decisions. But we are encouraged to bring new ideas and suggestions to the table.
5. I don’t mind being on a team. But most of the time, I work in an office by myself for most of my shift. But with being on this team, I know that I can go to
any of my teammates for help or questions.
Job Satisfaction
1. My overall satisfaction with my job is high. I love coming into my job every day.
2. The way the individuals I have to report to treat me with respect and appreciation for what I do makes my level of job satisfaction high.
3. When patients are rude and have issues that I didn’t cause are decreases my level of job satisfaction. I have a hard dealing with people that are angry or
4. One thing that most affects my level of job satisfaction is feeling that I matter. My manager and supervisor do a great job at letting me know that I do a
great job. I excel when I know I’m appreciated.
5. Overall, I am very satisfied with my job. There are hard days and there are good days. But I never dread going into work.
1. Not every day is a high level or low level stress. Working in Emergency Registration, every day is different. It depends on how busy it is or what kind of
people come in. I would describe it as average level of stress.
2. There are times when you do experience stress in my position. It can be because of how busy it is and not having enough time to do everything. It can be
because of the type of patients that come in. We are people that are really sick, injuries, mental breakdowns, and traumas.
3. When I experience stress, I like to take a break for a minute. If I have time to walk away for a minute, I do. I pull myself away from the stress and get
something to drink or walk around the hospital for a few minutes.
4. When the hospital knows people are stressed, they like to give out free meals or give incentives.
5. There are all kinds of support systems. There are always people to talk to. The hospital even offers free hours to talk to one of our psychologist.
1. Factors that increase my level of job motivation is when I’m told that I’m doing a great job, when someone acknowledges how hard I’ve been working, and knowing
that patients are having quality care. Factors that decrease my level of job motivation is when people are rude, when other department employees aren’t the nicest,
and even when patients aren’t appreciative for what you are doing for them.
2. I believe rewards are distributed fairly. Every department gets their recognition. Each department has things that they do to show employees that they are
doing a great job, whether it’s free lunch or free gift cards.
3. There really isn’t anything that really happens when you perform at a high level. They expect you to perform at a high level. Every once in a while you will
get a good job.
4. Sometimes when you are performing at a high level, you don’t get recognized until someone else or yourself says something .
5. Seeing patients smile and real like they are important is what is rewarding to me. The patients are what matter to me. When they have had the upmost service
from all staff members that take care of them.
Trust, Justice, and Ethics
1. Yes everyone is treated fairly. Everyone is from the patients to the employees. Employees are treated with the same standards. We all have the same rules and
expectations. There are no favorites.
2. I have full trust in my management team. They know what they are doing and I trust they will do the right things when it comes to any decisions.
3. I have full trust in my supervisor. She is compassionate about what she does and she truly cares. She isn’t bias nor do I feel like she would lie about
4. It depends on the mistake that employees make. I haven’t seen any of our employees make a huge mistake. But for most mistakes, employees are asked by the
manager or whoever catches the mistake to simply fix the mistake. It’s usually quick fixes that were missed or wrote wrong. It’s usually not a big deal. If so they
just remind them of the policy or how to do it and that’s it.
5. Yes, when working in a hospital ethical behavior is expected. In a hospital, you see all kinds of people in all kinds of diversity. We have accept people for
how they are and treat all fairly. We have to be honest to each other and to our patients. This is healthcare. Patients expect nothing but ethical behavior.
Learning and Decision Making
1. Decisions are made in upper management. They decide what happens and when policies are made, changed, or revised.
2. Employees are asked about their opinions when it comes to decisions. But ultimately, decisions are made by upper management looking out for the well-being of
the hospital and employees.
3. Yes, job experience is valued in this organization. They hire employees based on experience but it’s not always necessary. For me I have worked at this
hospital for 4 years now but not in the same department. I first started in the kitchen and now I’m in registration. I had experience with the customers that come into
the hospital. I hadn’t any office experience but I did have computer experience. Most of our employees have done or are learning to do their jobs.
4. Yes, this hospital has plenty of opportunities to learn, grow, and develop. There is always something to learn here. Whether you are hired internally by
another department so you can get higher to where you want to be. The hospital provides tuition reimbursements and scholarships if you would like to go to college get
a degree in healthcare. They provide classes that get you certificates that help you grow in your career.
5. In this hospital, learning is absolutely valued. There is always something new to learn every day of the job. They want you to learn. They want you to go back
to school and improve yourself.
Job Performance
1. I would describe my job performance to standard. When they do our yearly evaluations, it takes a lot to be exceptional. I show up every day for my scheduled
shifts. I’m hardly ever late. I pick up shifts that need to be covered. I come in and do my job to its standards. I’m interested in learning new things.
2. From my perspective, feeling that I matter and I am making a difference is what affects me.
Organizational Commitment
1. I love this hospital. I wouldn’t have been here 4 years already if I didn’t. Everyone is so caring and friendly. I can see myself working here for quite a
2. Sometimes, I feel like for what I do I don’t get paid enough. We have excellent benefits and what not. But other than that, I don’t ever feel like I need to

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