Diversity Project is comprised into 3 components:

Diversity Project is comprised into 3 components:

Part One: My Personal History Activity (worth 10 points)
Part Two: Diversity Project- Media (worth 50 points)
Part Three: Disability Status and individual, family or country experience
For this part you only need to select one (1) of the below.
Analysis of an Individual’s experience
Analysis of a Family’s experience
Analysis of a Country’s experience

Analysis of an Individual’s experience:
1. Using Figure 3.1 on page 74 of the textbook, identify a microculture that you would like to investigate. Within this microculture, you will need to identify an
individual with a documented disability as identified by IDEA (or who has/had a Section 504) who differs from you.
(i.e. if I select the microculture- ‘gender’, then I would need to identify a male who has a documented disability.)
2) draft a document of any preconceived notions/ideas or biases you have regarding the experiences of the individual you are interviewing. These must be submitted to
the appropriate assignment box PRIOR to completing step 2.
3) Have the individual (or his/her designee) sign and return to you the Consent form included in this folder.
b) as the student, sign the confidentiality policy form included in this folder
4) Scan the completed consent form and confidentiality policy form and submit to the appropriate assignment box PRIOR to proceeding with number 5.
5) Schedule a time to interview and observe the individual.
a) The semi-structured interview should be audiotaped, if possible. Each interview should be a minimum of 30 minutes. Guided questions are provided within this
b) The observation can occur in any context. It must be a minimum of one hour and notes should be taken regarding what you see, hear, etc.

6) Submit your interview transcripts and observational notes to the appropriate assignment boxes PRIOR to proceeding to number 7.
7) After completing all of the above stated activities, each student will analyze the data and write a paper. The paper should include relevant contextual information
about the interview, the community context observed, and other appropriate information. Additionally, it should provide a critical analysis of how your preconceived
notions/ideas or biases regarding the individual and the two identified micro-cultures were supported or refuted by the information gained.
Findings should be supported with research from the literature with a minimum of three citations. The paper should be approximately 4-6 double-spaced pages
and must be written in APA format.

Items to submit:
Preconceived notions/ideas/biases with the selected microculture clearly stated
Consent form
Confidentiality form
Interview transcripts/Observation Notes

Analysis of a Family’s experience:
1. Using Figure 3.1 on page 74 of the textbook, identify a microculture that you would like to investigate. Within this microculture, you will need to identify a
family who has a member birth-21 years of age with a documented disability as identified by IDEA (or who has/had a Section 504) who differs from you.
(i.e. if I select the microculture- ‘gender’, then I would need to identify a male who has a documented disability.)
2) draft a document of any preconceived notions/ideas or biases you have regarding the experiences of the family you are interviewing. These must be submitted to the
appropriate assignment box PRIOR to completing step 2.
3) Have an adult family member sign and return to you the Consent form included in this folder.
b) as the student, sign the confidentiality policy form included in this folder
4) Scan the completed consent form and confidentiality policy form and submit to the appropriate assignment box PRIOR to proceeding with number 5.
5) Schedule a time to interview and observe the family with the individual with a documented disability present.
a) The semi-structured interview should be audiotaped, if possible. Each interview should be a minimum of 30 minutes. Guided questions are provided within this
b) The observation can occur in any context. It must be a minimum of one hour and notes should be taken regarding what you see, hear, etc.

6) Submit your interview transcripts and observational notes to the appropriate assignment boxes PRIOR to proceeding to number 7.
7) After completing all of the above stated activities, each student will analyze the data and write a paper. The paper should include relevant contextual information
about the interview, the community context observed, and other appropriate information. Additionally, it should provide a critical analysis of how your preconceived
notions/ideas or biases regarding the family and the two identified micro-cultures were supported or refuted by the information gained.
Findings should be supported with research from the literature with a minimum of three citations. The paper should be approximately 4-6 double-spaced pages
and must be written in APA format.

Items to submit:
Preconceived notions/ideas/biases with the selected microculture clearly stated
Consent form
Confidentiality form
Interview transcripts/Observation Notes
Analysis of a Country’s experience:
1. draft a document of any preconceived notions/ideas or biases you have regarding the experiences of the individuals with documented disabilities from the
country you have selected. These must be submitted to the appropriate assignment box PRIOR to completing number 2.
2. Complete a thorough literature review to determine the experiences of individuals with documented disabilities within that country. Submit annotated
bibliographies for a minimum of ten sources prior to completing number 3.
3. Analyze the literature and write a paper. The paper should include relevant contextual information about the country, its policies, practices, educational
supports as it relates to individuals with documented disabilities, and other appropriate information. It should compare and contrast research found regarding the
selected country and practices and information provided within the course textbook. Additionally, it should provide a critical analysis of how your preconceived
notions/ideas or biases regarding the country were supported or refuted by the information gained.
Findings should be supported with research from the literature with a minimum of ten citations. The paper should be approximately 8-12 double-spaced pages and
must be written in APA format.

Items to submit:
Preconceived notions/ideas/biases with the selected country clearly stated
Annotated Bibliographies for a minimum of ten sources
My Personal History Activity
This activity is to help you to understand how your past experiences with a diverse population of individuals (or lack thereof) can influence your teaching practices.
Sometimes this influence can occur without you sometimes being aware of it.

1. Take a few moments to reflect upon your own personal history as it relates to diversity and multicultural education. Critically self-reflection on your
experiences and identify biases that you may hold regarding families and children 1) who speak a language other than English, 2) who have a documented disability, 3)
who are at risk, 4) who receive gifted education services, and 5) who receive accommodations through a Section 504 plan

2. Using the chart, you are going to identify your personal beliefs regarding these six groups, and strategies that you plan to use to prevent any biases you may
hold from influencing your teaching practices.

3. Save the “My Personal History Activity” chart, and complete.

4. Submit your completed chart to the assignment box located with this tab.

MY beliefs regarding families and children…. Strategies to prevent any biases
who speak a language other than English,
who have a documented disability.
Who are at risk
Who receive gifted education services
Who receive accommodations through a Section 504 plan
Point Value Points Earned
Submitted a completed chart that includes:
a clear and thoughtful response to the “MY beliefs
regarding families and children” for all five categories listed 5
a clear and thoughtful response to the “Strategies to prevent any
biases” for all five categories listed 5


Each student will analyze 2 hours of television programming marketed to young children and adolescents (approximately 7- 14 years of age), critiquing its level of
inclusiveness of individual with disabilities, and the presence of material that promotes or counters stereotypes and bias regarding individuals who have disabilities.
Students will consider and address how media portrayals of individuals with disabilities may impact individual development as well as interactions and relationships
within the classroom. Students will also identify strategies for countering bias and promoting classroom community.

1- You will analyze two hours of television programming marketed to young children and adolescents (approximately 7- 14 years of age). This can be done by
watching two, one-hour episodes of a show, by watching four, thirty minute episodes or any combination of the indicated options.
2- You will need to save, and complete the attached worksheet “DIVERSITY PROJECT-part 2”
3- On the worksheet, you will provide the show’s name, the length of the show, and the network on which the show was viewed, and if applicable, the rating of the
show (i.e Y-7 or Y-14).
4- Also, included on the worksheet is a chart. Every 15 minutes, you will notate, by tally marks, the number of times in which the show’s content depicted 1)
stereotypes and bias and whether they were promoting or countering the stereotypes and 2) inclusive of characters/content involving individuals with disabilities. (do
include commercials)
5- In addition, you will provide a brief overall reaction to each show as well as indicate its level of inclusiveness of individuals with disabilities as well as
the disability category that was presented in the show.
6- Upon conclusion of each show, you will need to post your reaction to the show in the discussion board forum entitled “Diversity Project Part 2.” In your
reaction you will: 1) address how the media portrayed individuals with disabilities in the show(s) that you watched; 2) discuss how these portrayals may impact
individual development as well as interactions and relationships within the classroom; 3) identify strategies for countering any bias presented within these viewed
shows and promoting classroom community, and the appropriateness of the show for the age group it was intended based on its rating (i.e. Y-7 or Y-14).
Diversity Project- Media
Show Name:
Length of Show:
Network Show was viewed:
Rating of show, (if applicable):

15 minute interval Number of times characters and/or content involving individuals with disabilities were presented
Interval 1
Interval 2
Interval 3
Interval 4
Interval 5
Interval 6

Description of the Character/content involving individuals with disabilities:

If any characters with disabilities were presented, were these depictions stereotypical in nature? If yes, explain.

Show Name:
Length of Show:
Network Show was viewed:
Rating of show, (if applicable):

15 minute interval Number of times characters and/or content involving individuals with disabilities were presented
Interval 1
Interval 2
Interval 3
Interval 4
Interval 5
Interval 6

Description of the Character/content involving individuals with disabilities:

If any characters with disabilities were presented, were these depictions stereotypical in nature? If yes, explain.
Show Name:
Length of Show:
Network Show was viewed:
Rating of show, (if applicable):

15 minute interval Number of times characters and/or content involving individuals with disabilities were presented
Interval 1
Interval 2
Interval 3
Interval 4
Interval 5
Interval 6

Description of the Character/content involving individuals with disabilities:

If any characters with disabilities were presented, were these depictions stereotypical in nature? If yes, explain.

Show Name:
Length of Show:
Network Show was viewed:
Rating of show, (if applicable):

15 minute interval Number of times characters and/or content involving individuals with disabilities were presented
Interval 1
Interval 2
Interval 3
Interval 4
Interval 5
Interval 6

Description of the Character/content involving individuals with disabilities:

If any characters with disabilities were presented, were these depictions stereotypical in nature? If yes, explain.

Show Name:
Length of Show:
Network Show was viewed:
Rating of show, (if applicable):

15 minute interval Number of times characters and/or content involving individuals with disabilities were presented
Interval 1
Interval 2
Interval 3
Interval 4
Interval 5
Interval 6

Description of the Character/content involving individuals with disabilities:

If any characters with disabilities were presented, were these depictions stereotypical in nature? If yes, explain.
Show Name:
Length of Show:
Network Show was viewed:
Rating of show, (if applicable):

15 minute interval Number of times characters and/or content involving individuals with disabilities were presented
Interval 1
Interval 2
Interval 3
Interval 4
Interval 5
Interval 6

Description of the Character/content involving individuals with disabilities:

If any characters with disabilities were presented, were these depictions stereotypical in nature? If yes, explain.
Individual Show Reaction
Please respond to the following in a minimum of 5 sentences
For each of the shows viewed, please provide your brief overall reaction to each show as well as indicate its level of inclusiveness of individuals with disabilities.
Also indicate the disability category that was presented in the show.

Overall Reaction
Please respond to each of the following in a minimum of 5 sentences.
Overall, how did the media portrayed individuals with disabilities in the show(s) that you watched?

How might these portrayals impact interactions and relationships within the inclusive classroom?

If any bias or stereotypes were presented, please identify strategies for countering these?

What might the outcome of this assignment suggest in regards to how individuals with disabilities might be portrayed in the media?
Guided Interview questions
(These questions can be adapted based on the individual and/or family you selected)
Yasibell Gonzales
Preferred to be called Yasi
23 years old
Disability: Speech disorder; can’t read or write.
1. How long have you lived in this town/city/community/region?
20 years
2. How old is your child? What grade are they in?
23 years old. Currently not in school. She did graduate from high school in 2014

3. What kind of school do they attend?
Used to attend New Bern high school

4. How did you learn that your child had a disability? When did this happen?
she developed the disability when she was a baby.
5. How did your other children (or family members’) react to the news of having a child with a disability and what has been the impact on their lives?
Her mother couldn’t take care of her, therefore my grandma took custody of her. She was babied a lot by the adults because of her disability. But the cousins treated
her normally, seeing that they were aware she was different, but she could still do things normally like them.
6. Are their members of your community/city/ that have a similar disability to your child/family member?
We have some cousins who suffered from seizures, and autism. Speech problems also have occurred. Some have either been delayed in speech, or still have complications
where they may stutter or mumble here and there. There are three kids who have these disabilities around where Yasi stays and they’re all related amongst each other.

7. What have been the problems/challenges you and your family have faced?
It’s just small things here and there. She knows and understands people when they speak either English or Spanish, it’s just not everyone can understand what she may
be saying to reply back. The fact that she can’t really read or write. If you go to a restaurant she can’t read the menu, someone else has to order for her. If she
were to take money out an ATM, she can’t comprehend what’s on the ATM screen, so she can go wanting to get 20 dollars out but more than likely taking out 60 or more.

8. What kinds of support have been most helpful to you? (family, support groups, teachers, etc)
Family. Teachers. Some friends.
9. How important is education in your family?
Very Important. We promote education. My grandma and aunts are still trying to get Yasi to take at least a couple college classes that we’ll know can be beneficial to
her, and that she’ll understand.

10. What have been your experiences with school personnel? What have they done that was most helpful? Most hurtful/harmful?
Positives: Teachers used to guide her in the right direction.
Negatives: Students used to bully her.

11. If I were to be your child’s teacher next year, what advice would you want to give me so your child has the best possible education?
Be patient. Be understanding. Don’t show her favoritism. Involve her in group projects with other kids. Be assertive, but not aggressive. Take steps with her when it
comes to speaking and writing, but not gigantic ones, because she gets frustrated when she’s not understood or things get too hard.

12. What would you want me to do/not do in terms of interactions with you if I were your child’s teacher?
Interaction at the school to come up with solutions to perform steps and measures to make sure if a problem occurs we’ll have a stabilized plan. Also, include my
grandma or her mother in the steps being taken to further Yasi’s education at all times, as well as her progressions.
13. Describe a typical day in your household.
Yasi wakes up, eats breakfast made by my grandma. Watches tv. May go out for a walk. May go visit loanne, her cousin, down the street, or Karen, loanne’s cousin, who
stays right down from her house. She’ll eat lunch. She’ll be on facebook. She’ll play games on her tablet, mostly bingo. Watch some more tv, more so soap operas, with
grandma. Eat dinner. Take a nap. Shower. Get back on her tablet. Then call it day.
Every weekend she does half of those things, then goes to bingo from 3pm-11pm with grandma, because it’s something they both thoroughly enjoy.
14. If you are from a culture that speaks English as a second language, do you speak your native language? If not, why? If so, will you teach your native language to
any children you have?
Yes, we speak our native language. Yasi tends to speak both English and Spanish when talking, but it’s mainly Spanish that she speaks. If Yasi were to have kids they
will be bilingual.

15. What other information would you like me to know about working with special needs children?
Calm, compassionate, and willing to understand other people’s process. Accept that other people are different, and it’s more of a moral stand point. Know other people
are born different, and be willing to accept them, and adapt to them. Find out what you can do to help.
When Yasi gets around new people she becomes more quiet and shy, and doesn’t like to speak much unless it’s common easy words like her name or “no” and “yes” or “I
don’t know”. Much so simple things.
When she gets excited she starts to shake her hands by her face, as she smiles.
When she tends to get bored she bites her fingernails.
And she tends to be very observant, when other people are talking and it’s a conversation she’s not comfortable butting into.

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