Domestic Terrorism

Domestic Terrorism


Forum Response Due Friday of Week 3. Classmate Responses Due Sunday of Week 3.


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Before you respond to this second Forum assignment, please review the item attached : Terror From The Right; Plots, Conspiracies, and Racist Rampages Since Oklahoma City. Also, you must conduct independent research to better familiarize yourself with Domestic Terrorism.




Once you have reviewed Terror From The Right, respond to the following “two” part question (answer in two “distinct parts” – Title each part: Part One and Part Two):


Part 1. Considering the Global War On Terror (GWOT) and the focus on international terrorist organizations, is America doing enough to address “domestic” terrorism?




Part 2. Compare and contrast domestic and international terrorism.





You will post one response to the forum discussion prompt and a “minimum of two responses (more “substantive” responses for a “superior” score) to your classmates (or instructor, if a follow-up question is asked) each discussion week (weeks 1 – 3 and 5 – 7). “Single space only” in forums. Importantly, to keep everyone on the same sheet of music, “post only during the current course week” (do “not” post in advance).



The response to each forum prompt must be a minimum of “500 words” in length (“excluding” the directions, questions, quotations, notes, or references).


Forum Prompt Response/Classmate (instructor) Response General Information and Scoring Details: Essentially, the excellence of your effort is considered when grading your forum prompt responses and forum responses to classmates/instructor. It is critical that you ensure your forum prompt and forum responses to classmates/instructor are on time and meet the minimum lengths to avoid a loss of points. Although there are length minimums, your score is predicated on the quality of your thinking and writing – “not” the length of your writing. Excess verbiage is usually a sign of poor editing and too few words are a sign of poor analysis. Forum prompt responses must reflect some new or original information – do not just reiterate content or opinion posted by classmates.




Your forum prompt response must reflect college-level comprehension, analysis, discussion, application (where appropriate), and learning. To demonstrate college writing, thoroughly discuss and relate your answers/responses in both source and anecdotal language. Paraphrase, quote “only” when absolutely necessary, and provide examples, differences/similarities, analogies, etc. Forum prompt responses and responses to your classmates/instructor must reflect “critical thinking” skills (critical, analytical, evaluative, etc.) – not your ability to simply transfer verbatim text content to the forum platform. You must strive to apply, demonstrate, illustrate, relate, analyze, appraise, compare/contrast, criticize, deduce, debate, determine, differentiate, distinguish, estimate, evaluate, examine, and/or predict in your forum responses. Show you are able to synthesize and evaluate knowledge in a “cogent manner.” This includes thoroughly explaining your positions/answers.

Sources are required for quality, learning, and “scoring” purposes. Specifically, supplement/enhance your forum prompt response content (which is generally drawn from the course textbook or directed sources), but outside sources (peer-reviewed journals, trade publications, government reports, legitimate/credible websites, etc.) to enhance your knowledge base are strongly encouraged. Use of the AMU Online Library and Security Management/Course Library portal is highly encouraged.

Citation and Reference Style: This course requires students to use the citation and reference style established in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (sixth edition). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. A very good APA source is the The Owl at Purdue University: There is also a comprehensive Web video on APA sixth edition in general and how to format a formal research paper in APA sixth edition in particular located at:


Sources from Wikipedia are “not” to be used, as they are academically unreliable.


Penalties: “Each” late forum prompt response and classmate response will be penalized 10 points “per day.” Students who fail to respond to instructor or classmate questions are also subject to scoring penalties.

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