

A day without digital technology (as much as feasible – at least no cell phone, tablet, smart watch, social media, computer – where are there embedded processors?)

OK, you can include the time you are asleep (so try for 16 hours while you are awake)

Do not eliminate technology which will impact your health or safety!

Plan ahead!!!!! (Tell your parents or whoever you are trying to do this. A way to wake up, meet ups with friends or family, etc.) Carry a notebook to record thoughts!

Don’t cheat! (If you can’t make it, there is no penalty – but explain why)

500 word reflection – what happened, what did you realize (any revelations about yourself, the world, other people?)

Problem Excellent Good Poor
Actually managing to spend at least 12-16 hours away from digital (and possibly other) technology 2 – completed 1- partially completed 0 – Unable to do this for even an hour.
Description of how you spent your time 2 – Detailed description 1 – Brief description, 0-1 – Poor description, few details
Reflection on how the experience impacted you 2-3 – Detailed discussion, with clear examples and showing depth of thought and insight 1-2 – Adequate description with one or two consequences of giving up technology 0-1– Poor reflection, few details
Conclusion on what you feel this teaches you about the impact of technology in our lives 2-3 – Detailed comments showing depth of thought and insight 1-2 – Brief discussion, 0-1 – Little discussion, no general conclusions
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