English – Article writing

English – Article writing

Your essay will have a thesis that the rest of the essay will support, and the body of the essay will respond to, and argue using, the ideas and positions of at least three of the authors we have read.  Note: the assignment is not asking for your opinion on this topic in isolation—you are expected to grapple with the ideas of the writers, finding agreement (noting how they contribute to your argument while adding to what they have said) or disagreement (with persuasive reasons why you disagree), or perhaps some of both.  It will be important to anticipate objections to your position (planting “naysayers”), to consider and / or rebut counterarguments.

View the Instructions for Research page for additional information on how to use the college’s databases to find articles for this essay.

View the MLA Instructions page for help with MLA citing and formatting

View the planting a naysayer readingPreview the documentView in a new window and three ways to respond readingPreview the documentView in a new window for additional help

The rubric I use to grade your essay will consist of these 11 categories:

Introduction – sets up your argument, briefly mentions the texts you’ll use, and includes a thesis (10%)

Thesis – should appear at the end of the intro paragraph (10%)

Body Paragraphs: develop thesis – body paragraphs each develop the author’s thesis and are organized by ideas, not by authors. (10%)

Body Paragraphs: provide examples – specific examples are used to develop the author’s thesis, quoting and paraphrasing is used to effectively make their points and provide an outside reader with a clear understanding of outside sources/examples. (10%)

Body Paragraphs: planting naysayer – the author addresses contradictory views from the texts and either accommodates or refutes them. (10%)

Focus – author’s ideas are discussed in a focused manner, often focusing on one idea at a time (10%)

Formatting (Times New Roman, 12pt font, double spaced, indented first line for each new paragraph) (10%)

Editing and Presentation (spelling, grammar, etc.) (10%)

Proper use of quoting/paraphrasing (5%)

Topic Sentences (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. are used effectively (5%)

Conclusion – provides readers with an idea about how they should think about this topic, reiterates main points (10%)


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