Is there expected to be the emergence of mysterious customers? When you hear the boss will arrange the mysterious customer, do you think it is deliberately looking for trouble?

Is there expected to be the emergence of mysterious customers? When you hear the boss will arrange the mysterious customer, do you think it is deliberately looking for trouble? When you know that the day has received a mysterious customer feel? If you know the face of a mysterious customer, you will show you the most positive side? Will you be perplexed if the company arranging mystery shoppers? Mystery customers will make you feel the pressure? Do you think the mysterious customers will affect your service quality? Mystery customers will make you resent it? Are you willing to accept the company to test your service level with mystery shoppers? After the emergence of the mysterious customer, your own service attitude will be relax? Your sex is Your rank is Seniority Place of work Whenever you here that the management are using mystery shoppers, do you feel stressed or work under increased pressure? When you feel that you are working under pressure especially during in presence of mystery customers, do you feel acting in a rebellious nature as response to this pressure or stress? When you are stressed, and anxious or feel pressure as a result of the use of mystery shoppers, do you tend to change your behavior i.e. rebel, or change habits and attitudes towards mystery shoppers? Does the stress and the pressure surrounding use of mystery shoppers to asses affect your performance and can also make you change your behavior or attitudes towards mystery shoppers? You can use defensive behaviors (i.e. rebel) as response to increased stress or anxiety or any surrounding the use of mystery shoppers to assess you. When the management apply mystery shopping tool or brings mystery shoppers, do you feel that they are creating stressful working environment that makes you anxious and work under duress or pressure? Mystery shopper’s bias and missteps can when assessing you will affect the mystery shopping results, and this will make you rebel against such mystery shoppers who are bias? Do you agree that the use of mystery shoppers can have negative effects on you and you will tend to develop a habit to resent them or develop negative attitudes towards delivery of quality service or serving these mystery customers? When you are aware that mystery shoppers will be published on a specific day, do you feel anxious or stressed? Stress, pressure and anxiety surrounding the use of mystery shopping affects your psychological wellbeing and performance, work efficiency and work quality. When you resent the use of mystery shoppers, do you think this resentment forces you to use of defensive behaviors as response to the increased to this stress or anxiety?
occasionally extremely feel Moderately discontented/dissatisfied Agree extremely perplexed very stressed moderate effects Neither agree nor disagree moderately reluctant Strongly agree Male Client Officer / Master Resident Three years or more Hong Kong Island Agree Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree
occasionally did not completely feel Slightly contented/satisfied Disagree slightly perplex moderately stressed moderate effects Agree neither reluctant nor willing t Strongly agree Female Client Officer / Master Resident Within one year Hong Kong Island Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Disagree Strongly agree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
occasionally extremely feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Disagree very perplex very stressed moderate effects Strongly disagree very reluctant Neither agree nor disagree Male Client Officer / Master Resident More than one year or less than three years Hong Kong Island Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Disagree
never moderately feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Disagree moderately perplex very stressed moderate effects Somewhat agree slightly reluctant Somewhat agree Male Client Officer / Master Resident Within one year Hong Kong Island Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
occasionally extremely feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Agree very perplex extremely stressed slight effects Agree moderately reluctant Strongly agree Female Client Officer / Master Resident More than one year or less than three years Hong Kong Island Strongly agree Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Agree Strongly agree Disagree
frequently moderately feel Moderately contented/satisfied Strongly disagree extremely perplexed very stressed moderate effects Strongly agree slightly reluctant Strongly disagree Male Manager or above Three years or more Hong Kong Island Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
not sure/not applicable did not completely feel Moderately discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree extremely perplexed slightly stressed no effect Strongly disagree very reluctant Somewhat disagree Male Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years Kowloon Strongly agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Agree Strongly agree Disagree
frequently extremely feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree slightly perplex very stressed moderate effects Agree extremely reluctant Strongly agree Female Client Officer / Master Resident More than one year or less than three years Kowloon Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Disagree Agree Agree Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
occasionally extremely feel Slightly contented/satisfied Agree very perplex very stressed moderate effects Strongly disagree extremely reluctant Strongly agree Female Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years Hong Kong Island Strongly disagree Agree Agree Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree
frequently extremely feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Agree slightly perplex very stressed moderate effects Somewhat agree extremely willing Neither agree nor disagree Female Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years NT Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
occasionally moderately feel Moderately contented/satisfied Strongly disagree slightly perplex extremely stressed no effect Neither agree nor disagree very reluctant Somewhat agree Male Client Officer / Master Resident More than one year or less than three years Hong Kong Island Strongly disagree Agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree
never extremely feel Moderately discontented/dissatisfied Somewhat agree slightly perplex very stressed slight effects Strongly disagree very reluctant Strongly agree Female Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years Kowloon Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
occasionally slightly feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Agree not at all/ no perplex moderately stressed slight effects Somewhat agree moderately reluctant Strongly disagree Male Client Officer / Master Resident Within one year NT Agree Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
frequently extremely feel Moderately contented/satisfied Agree slightly perplex very stressed slight effects Strongly disagree slightly reluctant Agree Female Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years Hong Kong Island Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Disagree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
occasionally did not completely feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Agree not at all/ no perplex slightly stressed no effect Neither agree nor disagree very willing Strongly disagree Female Client Officer / Master Resident Within one year Kowloon Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Disagree
frequently extremely feel Slightly contented/satisfied Strongly disagree slightly perplex very stressed slight effects Agree very reluctant Strongly agree Female Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years NT Neither agree nor disagree Agree Agree Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Agree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
occasionally moderately feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree slightly perplex extremely stressed moderate effects Somewhat agree slightly reluctant Disagree Female Client Officer / Master Resident Within one year NT Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Disagree
occasionally extremely feel Moderately contented/satisfied Somewhat agree extremely perplexed very stressed no effect Neither agree nor disagree very willing Strongly agree Male Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years Hong Kong Island Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Agree Disagree Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
frequently did not completely feel Slightly discontented/dissatisfied Agree not at all/ no perplex moderately stressed moderate effects Strongly disagree extremely reluctant Somewhat disagree Male Client Officer / Master Resident More than one year or less than three years Kowloon Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Disagree
not sure/not applicable slightly feel Very contented/satisfied Strongly disagree slightly perplex extremely stressed moderate effects Strongly agree moderately reluctant Agree Male Clerk or Teller Within one year Hong Kong Island Strongly agree Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly agree Disagree Agree Agree
occasionally extremely feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree very perplex very stressed slight effects Agree slightly reluctant Neither agree nor disagree Male Manager or above Three years or more Hong Kong Island Disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree
frequently moderately feel Moderately contented/satisfied Agree slightly perplex very stressed no effect Somewhat agree extremely willing Strongly agree Female Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years NT Strongly agree Agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree
occasionally did not completely feel Slightly discontented/dissatisfied Disagree not at all/ no perplex extremely stressed moderate effects Agree extremely reluctant Strongly agree Female Client Officer / Master Resident Within one year Kowloon Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Agree Disagree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
occasionally extremely feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Disagree very perplex very stressed moderate effects Agree slightly willing Disagree Male Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years Hong Kong Island Agree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
frequently moderately feel Very contented/satisfied Strongly disagree slightly perplex extremely stressed extreme effects Strongly agree moderately reluctant Somewhat agree Female Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years Kowloon Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Disagree
frequently slightly feel Moderately discontented/dissatisfied Somewhat disagree extremely perplexed moderately stressed slight effects Somewhat agree moderately reluctant Disagree Male Manager or above Three years or more Hong Kong Island Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Agree Agree
frequently extremely feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree slightly perplex very stressed no effect Strongly disagree very reluctant Strongly agree Female Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years NT Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
occasionally slightly feel Neutral Somewhat agree slightly perplex moderately stressed moderate effects Agree moderately willing Somewhat disagree Female Client Officer / Master Resident Within one year Kowloon Disagree Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly agree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
occasionally extremely feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Agree extremely perplexed very stressed moderate effects Agree slightly reluctant Agree Male Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years NT Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree
occasionally moderately feel Slightly contented/satisfied Strongly agree very perplex very stressed extreme effects Somewhat agree extremely reluctant Strongly disagree Male Manager or above Three years or more Hong Kong Island Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Disagree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree
occasionally extremely feel Moderately discontented/dissatisfied Strongly disagree extremely perplexed very stressed extreme effects Strongly agree extremely reluctant Strongly agree Male Client Officer / Master Resident More than one year or less than three years NT Strongly disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree
occasionally extremely feel Moderately discontented/dissatisfied Somewhat agree slightly perplex very stressed moderate effects Strongly agree moderately reluctant Neither agree nor disagree Female Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years Hong Kong Island Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
occasionally did not completely feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Disagree not at all/ no perplex slightly stressed no effect Strongly disagree extremely reluctant Somewhat agree Female Manager or above Three years or more Kowloon Disagree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly agree Agree
not sure/not applicable did not completely feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree not at all/ no perplex extremely stressed extreme effects Agree extremely willing Strongly agree Female Client Officer / Master Resident Within one year Kowloon Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly agree
frequently slightly feel Slightly discontented/dissatisfied Somewhat disagree extremely perplexed moderately stressed extreme effects Disagree slightly reluctant Agree Female Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years Kowloon Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Agree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Agree Strongly agree Disagree
occasionally moderately feel Slightly contented/satisfied Strongly agree slightly perplex very stressed slight effects Somewhat agree very reluctant Somewhat disagree Male Clerk or Teller Three years or more Kowloon Agree Disagree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree strongly agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
not sure/not applicable moderately feel Moderately discontented/dissatisfied Agree slightly perplex very stressed moderate effects Agree slightly willing Agree Female Client Officer / Master Resident More than one year or less than three years Hong Kong Island Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
frequently slightly feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Strongly disagree extremely perplexed extremely stressed no effect Strongly disagree very willing Strongly agree Male Client Officer / Master Resident Within one year Kowloon Strongly disagree Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Agree Strongly agree
occasionally moderately feel Moderately discontented/dissatisfied Somewhat agree slightly perplex very stressed slight effects Somewhat agree extremely reluctant Disagree Male Client Officer / Master Resident Within one year Hong Kong Island Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Disagree
occasionally extremely feel Moderately discontented/dissatisfied Somewhat agree not at all/ no perplex very stressed moderate effects Strongly agree moderately reluctant Strongly agree Male Client Officer / Master Resident More than one year or less than three years Hong Kong Island Strongly agree Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Agree Agree
occasionally slightly feel Slightly discontented/dissatisfied Disagree not at all/ no perplex moderately stressed extreme effects Strongly disagree extremely reluctant Disagree Male Client Officer / Master Resident More than one year or less than three years Hong Kong Island Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly agree Agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree
occasionally slightly feel Neutral Strongly agree not at all/ no perplex moderately stressed extreme effects Agree slightly reluctant Agree Female Client Officer / Master Resident More than one year or less than three years Kowloon Strongly disagree Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly agree
not sure/not applicable did not completely feel Very contented/satisfied Strongly agree extremely perplexed extremely stressed extreme effects Agree moderately willing Somewhat agree Male Client Officer / Master Resident More than one year or less than three years Kowloon Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree
frequently moderately feel Moderately contented/satisfied Agree slightly perplex very stressed slight effects Somewhat disagree extremely reluctant Agree Female Client Officer / Master Resident More than one year or less than three years NT Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Disagree
not sure/not applicable moderately feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree not at all/ no perplex very stressed moderate effects Disagree very reluctant Agree Male Client Officer / Master Resident Within one year NT Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Agree Disagree Agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
occasionally extremely feel Moderately discontented/dissatisfied Somewhat agree very perplex very stressed slight effects Neither agree nor disagree extremely reluctant Strongly disagree Female Client Officer / Master Resident More than one year or less than three years Hong Kong Island Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Disagree Agree Agree Strongly agree
occasionally extremely feel Moderately discontented/dissatisfied Strongly disagree extremely perplexed very stressed moderate effects Strongly disagree slightly reluctant Somewhat disagree Male Client Officer / Master Resident Within one year Kowloon Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Disagree
occasionally extremely feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Somewhat disagree very perplex very stressed slight effects Strongly disagree very reluctant Strongly agree Female Client Officer / Master Resident Three years or more NT Agree Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Agree Agree
not sure/not applicable slightly feel Slightly discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree extremely perplexed moderately stressed extreme effects Agree slightly willing Disagree Male Client Officer / Master Resident Three years or more Hong Kong Island Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Disagree
occasionally extremely feel Moderately discontented/dissatisfied Somewhat agree moderately perplex very stressed moderate effects Agree extremely reluctant Agree Female Client Officer / Master Resident Three years or more Hong Kong Island Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Agree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
frequently extremely feel Neutral Agree moderately perplex extremely stressed moderate effects Somewhat disagree very reluctant Somewhat agree Male Client Officer / Master Resident Within one year Kowloon Strongly disagree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly agree Agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree
not sure/not applicable did not completely feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Strongly disagree not at all/ no perplex slightly stressed no effect Somewhat agree slightly reluctant Agree Female Client Officer / Master Resident Within one year Hong Kong Island Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
frequently moderately feel Moderately discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree extremely perplexed very stressed moderate effects Agree moderately reluctant Strongly agree Male Client Officer / Master Resident Three years or more Kowloon Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Agree Disagree Agree Agree Strongly agree
occasionally extremely feel Moderately contented/satisfied Somewhat agree moderately perplex very stressed moderate effects Disagree extremely reluctant Disagree Female Clerk or Teller Within one year Hong Kong Island Agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Disagree
not sure/not applicable did not completely feel Very contented/satisfied Strongly agree not at all/ no perplex extremely stressed extreme effects Strongly agree moderately willing Agree Female Clerk or Teller Three years or more Hong Kong Island Disagree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Disagree Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree
frequently slightly feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree slightly perplex extremely stressed extreme effects Disagree extremely reluctant Strongly disagree Female Manager or above Three years or more Hong Kong Island Strongly agree Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree Disagree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
never extremely feel Moderately contented/satisfied Agree very perplex very stressed no effect Strongly disagree very reluctant Agree Female Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years NT Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Disagree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Disagree Agree
occasionally moderately feel Very contented/satisfied Strongly agree slightly perplex very stressed slight effects Agree moderately willing Agree Female Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years Hong Kong Island Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Disagree
never extremely feel Moderately discontented/dissatisfied Somewhat agree moderately perplex very stressed moderate effects Agree slightly reluctant Somewhat agree Male Manager or above More than one year or less than three years Kowloon Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree
occasionally extremely feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree extremely perplexed very stressed moderate effects Somewhat disagree extremely willing Disagree Male Client Officer / Master Resident Within one year Hong Kong Island Strongly agree Agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
frequently moderately feel Slightly discontented/dissatisfied Disagree moderately perplex very stressed moderate effects Agree extremely reluctant Strongly agree Male Clerk or Teller Three years or more Kowloon Agree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly disagree
occasionally slightly feel Very contented/satisfied Strongly agree extremely perplexed moderately stressed extreme effects Agree moderately willing Disagree Male Client Officer / Master Resident Within one year Kowloon Strongly disagree Agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly agree Agree
frequently extremely feel Moderately discontented/dissatisfied Agree very perplex very stressed moderate effects Strongly agree moderately reluctant Agree Male Manager or above More than one year or less than three years Hong Kong Island Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Agree Agree Agree
not sure/not applicable slightly feel Neutral Strongly agree extremely perplexed slightly stressed no effect Strongly disagree extremely reluctant Strongly disagree Female Clerk or Teller Within one year NT Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree
frequently slightly feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree extremely perplexed extremely stressed extreme effects Neither agree nor disagree very reluctant Somewhat agree Female Client Officer / Master Resident Three years or more Kowloon Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree
not sure/not applicable slightly feel Very contented/satisfied Strongly agree extremely perplexed slightly stressed slight effects Agree very reluctant Disagree Male Clerk or Teller Within one year Hong Kong Island Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
occasionally extremely feel Moderately discontented/dissatisfied Somewhat agree moderately perplex very stressed moderate effects Disagree slightly willing Strongly agree Male Manager or above Three years or more Kowloon Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Strongly agree
occasionally moderately feel Moderately contented/satisfied Strongly agree extremely perplexed very stressed moderate effects Disagree extremely reluctant Strongly disagree Male Manager or above Three years or more Hong Kong Island Disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
frequently extremely feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Strongly disagree slightly perplex very stressed moderate effects Disagree moderately willing Somewhat disagree Female Clerk or Teller Within one year Hong Kong Island Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly agree
not sure/not applicable slightly feel Very contented/satisfied Strongly agree extremely perplexed moderately stressed extreme effects Strongly agree slightly willing Strongly agree Female Client Officer / Master Resident More than one year or less than three years NT Strongly disagree Agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree
never slightly feel Slightly discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree extremely perplexed moderately stressed extreme effects Somewhat disagree very reluctant Disagree Female Client Officer / Master Resident Three years or more Hong Kong Island Agree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Agree Agree Agree Strongly disagree
frequently extremely feel Moderately discontented/dissatisfied Agree moderately perplex very stressed moderate effects Agree moderately willing Somewhat agree Male Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years Kowloon Strongly agree Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
occasionally moderately feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree extremely perplexed extremely stressed slight effects Strongly disagree very willing Agree Male Clerk or Teller Within one year Hong Kong Island Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
not sure/not applicable moderately feel Neutral Somewhat agree slightly perplex extremely stressed slight effects Disagree extremely reluctant Strongly disagree Male Client Officer / Master Resident Three years or more NT Disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
frequently extremely feel Moderately discontented/dissatisfied Agree moderately perplex extremely stressed extreme effects Strongly agree moderately willing Strongly agree Female Clerk or Teller Within one year Kowloon Agree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Agree Strongly agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Strongly agree
occasionally extremely feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree extremely perplexed extremely stressed extreme effects Disagree extremely reluctant Disagree Male Manager or above Three years or more Hong Kong Island Strongly agree Agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree
frequently extremely feel Moderately discontented/dissatisfied Agree extremely perplexed extremely stressed extreme effects Somewhat agree slightly willing Strongly disagree Female Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years Hong Kong Island Strongly disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree
not sure/not applicable slightly feel Very contented/satisfied Somewhat agree extremely perplexed not stressed no effect Strongly disagree very reluctant Agree Male Clerk or Teller Within one year Kowloon Disagree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree
occasionally slightly feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree extremely perplexed moderately stressed no effect Neither agree nor disagree very willing Somewhat disagree Female Client Officer / Master Resident Three years or more NT Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Agree
occasionally moderately feel Moderately contented/satisfied Somewhat agree moderately perplex extremely stressed moderate effects Strongly agree moderately willing Agree Female Clerk or Teller Within one year Kowloon Agree Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
occasionally extremely feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree extremely perplexed extremely stressed moderate effects Disagree extremely reluctant Strongly disagree Female Clerk or Teller Within one year Hong Kong Island Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly disagree
occasionally slightly feel Very contented/satisfied Strongly agree slightly perplex moderately stressed slight effects Somewhat disagree very willing Somewhat agree Male Manager or above More than one year or less than three years NT Strongly agree Disagree Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Agree strongly agree Strongly agree
not sure/not applicable slightly feel Slightly discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree extremely perplexed extremely stressed slight effects Strongly agree moderately willing Strongly agree Male Client Officer / Master Resident Within one year NT Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Agree
frequently extremely feel Moderately discontented/dissatisfied Agree moderately perplex extremely stressed moderate effects Strongly agree moderately willing Somewhat disagree Male Clerk or Teller Three years or more Hong Kong Island Disagree Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree
not sure/not applicable slightly feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Agree extremely perplexed slightly stressed slight effects Strongly disagree very reluctant Agree Female Client Officer / Master Resident Within one year NT Agree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
occasionally moderately feel Moderately contented/satisfied Strongly agree moderately perplex extremely stressed moderate effects Strongly agree extremely willing Strongly disagree Male Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years Kowloon Strongly disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree Agree
not sure/not applicable slightly feel Neutral Neither agree nor disagree slightly perplex not stressed no effect Strongly agree extremely reluctant Disagree Female Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years Hong Kong Island Strongly disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree
frequently extremely feel Very contented/satisfied Strongly agree moderately perplex extremely stressed slight effects Strongly agree slightly willing Strongly agree Male Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years NT Strongly agree Disagree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree
frequently slightly feel Slightly discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree extremely perplexed moderately stressed slight effects Strongly disagree extremely reluctant Strongly disagree Female Client Officer / Master Resident Within one year NT Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Disagree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Agree
occasionally extremely feel Moderately contented/satisfied Strongly agree moderately perplex extremely stressed moderate effects Strongly agree moderately willing Agree Male Manager or above Three years or more NT Agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree
occasionally slightly feel Neutral Neither agree nor disagree not at all/ no perplex not stressed moderate effects Disagree extremely reluctant Strongly disagree Female Clerk or Teller Within one year Hong Kong Island Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Agree Strongly disagree
frequently extremely feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree moderately perplex extremely stressed slight effects Somewhat disagree very willing Strongly agree Male Manager or above Three years or more Hong Kong Island Strongly agree Disagree Agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
frequently slightly feel Very contented/satisfied Somewhat agree not at all/ no perplex slightly stressed no effect Neither agree nor disagree very willing Strongly disagree Female Clerk or Teller Within one year NT Strongly agree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly agree
occasionally extremely feel Moderately contented/satisfied Agree moderately perplex extremely stressed extreme effects Strongly agree very reluctant Disagree Male Client Officer / Master Resident Three years or more Kowloon Disagree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Disagree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree
not sure/not applicable slightly feel Very contented/satisfied Strongly agree moderately perplex moderately stressed moderate effects Strongly disagree very willing Neither agree nor disagree Female Clerk or Teller Within one year Hong Kong Island Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Agree Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Agree Agree Agree
not sure/not applicable slightly feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree moderately perplex moderately stressed extreme effects Agree extremely reluctant Disagree Male Manager or above Three years or more NT Agree Strongly agree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Agree Strongly agree Agree
occasionally slightly feel Very contented/satisfied Strongly agree moderately perplex moderately stressed slight effects Disagree moderately willing Strongly disagree Male Client Officer / Master Resident Within one year NT Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree
not sure/not applicable slightly feel Very discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree not at all/ no perplex extremely stressed slight effects Somewhat disagree neither reluctant nor willing t Agree Female Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years Hong Kong Island Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Disagree Strongly agree Strongly agree Agree
frequently extremely feel Very contented/satisfied Somewhat agree slightly perplex extremely stressed slight effects Neither agree nor disagree slightly willing Somewhat disagree Female Clerk or Teller More than one year or less than three years Kowloon Agree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
frequently slightly feel Slightly discontented/dissatisfied Strongly agree moderately perplex moderately stressed extreme effects Strongly disagree extremely reluctant Agree Female Client Officer / Master Resident Within one year Hong Kong Island Strongly agree Disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly disagree Strongly agree Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Strongly disagree

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