Exploring Assistive Technology

Purpose: To help familiarize you with AT, Apps, and emerging technologies to support employment, education, and recreation that can be used by individuals with disabilities.

Recommendation: You may choose to complete this assignment individually, but recommend that you connect with a classmate and complete the assignment together.

You have several options for completing the AT assignment. You will choose one option:

1) Apps for employment

2) Apps for education (for all ages)

3) Video/case studies of AT use for employment (i.e. feature news stories, human interest stories of AT under development or in use by individuals with disabilities)

4) Video/case studies of AT use for recreation/social interaction/independent living

5) Ex: Video case study: Emerging technologies (ET) that might benefit individuals with disabilities.

a. Example: NOT IMPOSSIBLE LABS: http://www.notimpossible.com

b. TAP,wearable keyboard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtSQT8lS4vo

Written response:

1.) Definition of Assistive Technology (use the definition found on the AT PowerPoint)

2.) Name of APP/AT/emerging technology

3.) Source (URL, where to find it) including screenshot/picture of APP/AT/ET

4.) Purpose (2-3 major uses)

5.) Who can benefit? (age level, populations)

6.) Accessibility (include any issues regarding downloading APP, ability to use with voice, hands free, voice activation, etc. (2-3 key features)

7.) Cost $ (for APP, note if there are free versions, and versions that cost)

8.) Terms of use (Are data collected? Who has access? Opt in/Opt out?)

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