freire ch2 analysis


Your writing may be in essay (indented paragraph) format or numbered format. Your analysis should discuss in some detail:


  1. Describe your first impressions of the text, its author, and its purpose. If possible, consider what “discourse communities” author either identifies with, or is interested in.


  1. a. (General) Give your own interpretation of the author’s thesis, argument, main idea, point, or purpose in this book chapter. (Note: it is possible to get an idea of the chapter’s purpose from the first 2-4 pages and the last page). Evaluate one or more classes you have currently, or have taken recently, that use the author’s “banking system” of education. (This part can blend into part 2b. also.)
  2. (Specific areas) Quote or paraphrase two different areas of the chapter to describe two particular places where you agree or disagree (or a mix of both) with the author.


3)         At least twice, choose an area of the text where the author cites and discusses another source, or where the author describes in detail a real-life example to support his ideas. If applicable, describe and evaluate the signal phrases and relevant source details that the author uses. Does he do this well, or not? (Explain why, rather than just saying “yes” or “no.”) What else could he have included to strengthen the source use (or example)?

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