: Game of Thrones: Season One

DescriptionFor this assignment you will compare the depiction of a single character in the book A Game of Thrones with the depiction of that same character in a single episode of the HBO TV series Game of Thrones. First, choose one of the characters from the book and then watch an episode from Season 1 in which that character plays a prominent role. Write a 2 to 3 page essay in which you compare the depiction and development of that character in the book with the representation of that character on the screen. Is the chosen actor the right person for that role? Are there details about that character which are in the book but not told on screen? Are there dimensions to that character on the screen that are not part of the character in the book? What is the impact of these changes in depiction on you, the reader and viewer? Which seems to do the better job of representing the character? The book because it can provide more depth? The TV show because we can see actions and expressions that cannot be conveyed through the written word? For a 2 to 3 page paper, you should only focus on a specific scene that involves your character in the book and on the tv show. With that single scene, look closely at how the book and the show depict your chosen character and then make your comparison, answering some of the questions above.Be sure to specify in your essays which episode from Season One of the HBO TV series Game of Thrones you are writing about for that assignment.

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