Gender Discussion

Gender Discussion

Using 200-300 words, please answer the following questions using specific examples.

Why do you suppose that men’s style of talk is more instrumental than women’s, whereas women’s is more expressive than men’s? What are some various ways to explain those differences?

and in 150 words for each student converse about their answers:

Libertad Ruiz :

Q: Why do you suppose that men’s style of talk is more instrumental than women’s, whereas women’s is more expressive than men’s? What are some various ways to explain those differences?

I honestly feel that this is a question that has many answers because honestly I think of many things when I see this question. First I think that not only women can be expressive and talkative I think that many men can be this way to, it just depends on the person individually. For one example I’ve meet guys that are super quite and non-expressive as well as I’ve met girls who are super quite and not expressive at all. I really think that its not women or men’s expressive or instrumental way of being, but I think that as individuals we decide how we are. I feel this way because for example in my relationship I feel I am so expressive so loud so I want to talk about everything and my boyfriend is so calm I’m like react but that is just how he is. However my sister is just how my boyfriend is calm not loud not expressive, which is why I believe it just depends how one is. However if I do have to answer why I feel women are more expressive in many occasions I would say because that’s just how we are, well in my case I talk and talk and talk and at times I get mad at my boyfriend because he’s not as expressive as I am but that is ok because that’s just how we are. Men on the other hand can be perceived as more straightforward in my point of view but like I said it all just depends on the situation or the person. I feel that we are born this way or maybe we become this way based on our surroundings our backgrounds or our cultures, I feel it all depends really how we decide to be.

Melissa Rubio:

Why do you suppose that men’s style of talk is more instrumental than women’s, whereas women’s is more expressive than men’s? What are some various ways to explain those differences?

A: I think it depends entirely on which woman or man you’re looking at. At their personality and may sometimes it can be on the way they were raised. Some women are instrumental while men are more expressive. It just has to do with how they are personally, I really don’t think their gender affects anything dramatically. Men may be more talkative and directive; they use more nonstandard forms, talk more about sports, money, and business, and more frequently refer to time, space, quantity, destructive action, perceptual attributes, physical movements, and objects. Women in the other hand can often be more supportive, polite, and expressive, talk more about home and family, and use more words implying feeling, evaluation, interpretation, and psychological state. Men are readier to coin and use new terms, pun, utter slang expressions, and employ profanity and obscenity. Women, on the other hand, are shy of mentioning certain parts of the human body and certain natural functions by the direct and often rude denominations which men and especially young men prefer when among themselves. Women will therefore invent innocent things to have a conversation. Basically, overall, I think it just varies from person to person, it’s not 100% accurate that woman or man are more instrumental or expressive. It can be different for every situation. I personally can be both instrumental and expressive.

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