How trauma affects middle adolescence

How trauma affects middle adolescence

(ages 14-16)

Stage of Development

Select  one of the stages of development covered in class, which includes prenatal development, infancy, toddlerhood (1 ½ years old through 3), young children (4-5), school age children (6-10), young adolescents 11-13), middle adolescence (14-16), older adolescents and transitional age youth (17-19). Once the student choses a stage of development, explain the critical issues of that stage, including the biological, social, cultural, and social-emotional aspects of the stage. For example, if the student is choosing toddlerhood, the student would look at the important motor developmental milestones that need to be met, attaining control of elimination, etc. The student would discuss the cognitive development that happens in this stage and the way that allows for growth in other areas. The social emotional development of toddlers and relationships with caregivers are also essential.

Also, discuss how important issues such as socioeconomic status, sex, culture, etc. have an influence on this stage. For example, address how does poverty influence the cognitive development of a young child.

Important Issues: Sex and Culture


Select a problem relevant to the student’s chosen particular developmental stage. For example, the student could choose examples such as autism in young children, depression in middle adolescence (the student may choose to focus on a particular gender), prematurity in infancy, death of a parent in middle school, chronic illness in a young adolescence, etc. Choose a problem that is not too obscure because the student will want something that is feasible to research. One possibility that will help with the student’s process is to focus on a particular cultural group. For example, autism in preschool immigrant Latinx children, sickle cell anemia among African American young adolescents, young Armenian children traumatized from exposure to domestic violence, or a middle class Irish American school age child with behavior problems whose parents have been referred to child welfare for physical abuse. Clearing your choice with your instructor before writing will help you know if you have chosen a subject that is doable. In discussing problem, cover what is known about the problem, its etiology, and the course of the problem over time. Relate it to the child’s stage of development and how it would look in this age group. For example, depression looks very different in a school age child than in an older adolescent.

Using an introduction to lay out your problem, population, and developmental stage may be a good way to start.

Problem: lack of emtional regulation


explain  what interventions might be appropriate for this problem. Discuss the evidence for the intervention you have chosen. If you have settled on a particular intervention, make a good justification for your intervention. Also if there is no intervention(s) with compelling evidence, how would you go about developing an intervention?


Talk about how you would go about engaging a child and a family with this problem. Take into account the setting and how that might influence your engagement. For example, if you choose a child with a chronic illness, how might that impact how you would engage with the child and family? Take into account the child’s age and address whether you would engage the family as a whole, the family and child separately, or just the child (in rare instances). Are there special allowances you should make for cultural differences?


How would you go about assessing this family and child given the child’s problems? What dimensions of the FAF would deserve particular attention? Is there a need for any particular measures to be added to your assessment? What collateral sources might be important to access to do a better assessment of the family?

Your paper should be written in APA style, 13-15pages, Times or other font size 12 Times or other font size 12. You should have a minimum of 10 references. Use a variety of citations; do not rely solely on one or two texts or solely on classroom readings. Readings should primarily be from peer-reviewed sources, thus information on websites that are not peer reviewed and therefore not appropriate. The student will need to include at least 2 empirical articles in your references and cite them appropriately in your paper.

Papers should have an introduction, use subheadings, and have a conclusion.

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