The Impact of ICT on the financial profitability & performance for Libyan banks

The Impact of ICT on the financial profitability & performance for Libyan banks
100 people respond the questionnaire ..
you can find the data in file ..
and i need
Tables Requirements:
1- Descriptive statistics table
2- Correlation Table
3- Results table: analysis of variance for each of independents variables

and other table for the section 1 ( gender and experience …and other ..
and section 2 ..
the main section is 3 …
you can fine my model in cahpter 3 i will uploaded with this order ..
and i will upload my hypothesis do hypothesis test .
should use the SPSS software to make this analysis …
plagiarism = 2% and in the last page in this chapter make summary ..

Chapter 3: Methodology
The Impact of ICT on the financial profitability & performance for Libyan banks
3.1: Introduction
This section defines how the research was conducted. Within this chapter, itis explained how the sample was selected, its size, how data was collected, the research design adopted and target population. According to Savin-Baden and Major (2013, p. 23), a complete methodology description needs to highlight how the data was analyzed and prepared for presentation as results. Important to note is that the data analysis procedure depends on the research design and the nature of the information obtained from the respondents or sources. In some instances, data trimming may be necessary.
The relevance of findings and conclusions widely rely on upon quality of the research methods, data collected, mode of analyzing the data, and its presentation. This explains why this section is devoted to the depiction of the techniques and strategies used with a particular goal to acquire the information, how they were investigated, deciphered, and how the conclusion will be met. This area is to legitimize the methods in which the review was gotten and will help in giving it reason and quality as it will then be honest and investigative(Savin-Baden & Major, 2013, p. 94). All these will help in the preparing of the information and the definition of conclusions.
3.2: Research Design
For this thesis, the research utilized quantitative and qualitative design approaches. The quantitative strategy allows a flexible and iterative approach, while the quantitative research technique grants determination of dependent and independent variables and takes into consideration longitudinal measures of resulting performance of the banks n Libya(Savin-Baden & Major, 2013, p. 93).

The estimation of qualitative research can best be comprehended by inspecting its qualities. One of the essential preferences of this research is that it is more open to the altering and refining of research thoughts as an inquiry continues(Neuman, 2009, p. 56). Although embracing the use of qualitative approach needs a lot of supporting information, thematic analysis of the available information on Libyan banks was essential in constituting the findings.
By adopting a mixed research, model means that there is sufficient information both numerical and qualitative to support the evidence of the impacts of information technology on commercial banks operating in Libya. Although it is known that most banks are located in Tripoli, there are still other bank branches and entirely new banks that are evenly distributed in the main towns across the country (Nazem, 2013, p. 103). Due to this fact, it becomes necessary to design a mechanism to reach the banks more conveniently so that the relevant information can be obtained. In catering for this, the study utilized a similar data collecting instrument on all the banks sampled and qualitative and quantitative data was collected. To further increase the credibility qualitativeof the information to make more sense, thematic analysis of publications about the banks in the country were used. According to Shawish (2010, p. 15), more banks do not publish their implementation plans to their websites thus necessitating sourcing of primary data from the employees working in the different banks.
3.3: Target Population
With the primary focus in Tripoli, the study covered the commercial banks in Libya. Since most of them are headquartered in the capital city, the collection of the necessary information was easier. The study needed to get both numerical data, (to measure the performance and profitability of the banks) and qualitative data (feedback from people working in the selected banks). Despite the diversity in the adoption of ICT in differentbanks, there is a common interest in determining how it is impacting their operations and revenues altogether.
To get information of this kind the study targeted all operational banks in Libya since no single organization stores the data from all the banks. Although the central bank of Libya has some privileges of storing all banks data, it is limited to some regulatory reportings and not all operational activities (Ali & Khan, 2015, p. 538). Therefore, the focus was more on individual banks other that its central governing body since they may be using different types of information technologies in their respective banks. Furthermore, it is believed that due to competition that exists in the banking industry in Libya, most commercial banks do not openly disclose their internal systems other than the mobile and remote banking systems (Saeed & Bampton, 2013, p. 81).
3.4: Sample Size and Sampling Technique
The sample size of the study was 100 respondents. They were selected from the employees working in different banks in a random manner. However, it was essential to control the number of respondents chosen from a single bank. This was meant to increase the credibility of the information in reflecting the whole industry in a generalized manner (Padmavathy, 2015, p. 940). For this reason, the researcher used five to six questionnaires on a per financial institution and administered the data collecting instrument to them to fill the necessary information according to their knowledge and observation.
The choice of using simple random sampling was meant to reduce bias and simplify the analysis procedure of the results obtained. This is critical for better results to be obtained from primary data especially those that requires the individualized attention of the respondents(Neuman, 2009, p. 53). Furthermore, carrying out such a study, not all the selected persons will respond to the questionnaires. The randomness allows for the adjustment of the sample size during the analysis procedure to fit the filled forms. This advantages made simple random sampling more suitable for this research.
3.5: Data Collection
One of the central pillars of a good research relies on how well the data is gathered. Consequently, the data collecting instruments have to be credible, ethical and flexible enough to allow all respondents to give their views without any restrictions(Creswell, 2013, p. 34). As for this study, the nature of the data to be collected needed that the questionnaires used include both closed and open-ended questions for a better understanding of the performance of the banks and profitability the ICT adopted id bringing to the institutions. Although the diversity of the ICT infrastructure may be difficult to be fully covered, their purposes are all the same regardless of their types (Rodham & Gavin, 2006 p. 94). Therefore the primary aim of the research was to ascertain how is the state of the banks that embraced ICT in their operations compared to their past systems that were not fully digitalised. Also, the data collected covers the impact of the launching of different remote banking platforms by Libyan banks.
3.5.1: Sources of Data
The study utilized two types of data obtained from various sources. First, the study mainly relied to on primary data collected from the employees in various banks across Libya. These types of data are essential in giving first-hand information of the situations in the commercial financial institutions in the country. The employees who participated in the research were directly attached to the individual banks and have a vast knowledge of its operations and them systems they have adopted.
Second, to improve the credibility of the results, secondaryinformation from periodicals, journals, and books relating to the banking industry in Libya. This involves supporting the qualitative data findings with recent research based evidence from various sources (Beneiske, 2007, p. 23). The precision of and concreteness of proof on impacts of ICT on Libyan banks is thus established through such an approach.
3.5.2: Data Collection Instruments
Among the existing data collection instruments, the study used questionnaires to source information on ICT and financial profitability and performance of banks in Libya. I found this effective due to the nature of the information the research aimed at obtaining. Since most of the information to be filled in the questionnaires was based on personal opinions of the employees regarding the state of the institutions they are working from, it was better to give them ample time to accurately and sincerely fill them at their convenient time. It is known that the banking sector employees have less free time during their working hours that they can use to undertake other tasks not related to their work (Al-Hosban, 2014, p. 252).
The questionnaire had three sections that were filled by each respondent. The firs part composed of identification information such institutions they are working for, and the positions they are holding at the time of answering the questions. For confidentiality reasons, no names of the respondents were stated to comply with the ethical considerations of research(Bhunia, 2013, p. 9). The second section involved questions on remote Banking and use of ICT in the bank. Here the respondents provided their opinions and reality of how the systems blend with their internal operations of the banks. The third and the main section of the questionnaire had 21 questions that critically covered the financial profitability and performance of the various banks. These questions needed the opinions of the employees as well as the facts regarding figures rating the profitability of the banks after fully utilizing remote banking and other ICT supported services.
These questionnaires distributed to several banks and only 85 out of the 100 supplied were filled. It indicates that a significantly sufficient sample was obtained to represent the entire banking industry in the country. An 85% response rate is considered suitable to completely cover a research effectively(Creswell, 2013, p. 42). This is the sample size that will be used when analyzing the data collected from the employees.

3.6: Data Analysis
According to the nature of the data gathered from the primary sources, SPSS was the best statistical software to use in analyzing the data. All the numerical data collected by the 85 questionnaires were entered into the SPSS version.19 for analysis. Other than just the quantitative data, some qualitative data that utilized Cronbach scale were coded and entered according to the responses obtained from the field. Although the banking sector in Libya operates in almost the same manner, some small differences exist in the operations and services types offered by the different financial institutions (Sahem, 2015, p. 36). For this reason, all the information recorded on the questionnaires was entered into the software regardless of theirnegligee deviations.For instance, the type of remote banking services offered by the various bank was almost the same, but there is need to record all of them for the sake of analysis and identification of the most common services the banks offers.
3.6.1: Research/Data Analysis model
This study used amultivariatelinear regression model toascertain the relationship between ICT on one hand and performance and financial profitability on the other hand in Libyan banks. The first model used is:
?Pr?_i=ß_i+ß_i X+e_i For i=1,2
Where: Pri- Profitability
, – Are parameter estimates; is the mean response.
X-Efficiency of ICT (includes the effectiveness of both Electronic Payment System and Remote Banking Channel).
– Error terms
While the second model used is:
?Pe?_i=ß_i+ß_i X+e_i For i=1,2
Where: Pei- Performance, and the rest are same
From thesemodels, the dependent variablesareperformance and profitability banks obtain after embracing ICT use. The independent variable is ICT, which is the central focus of the study in determining how it affects Libyan banks. Additional to the models, measures of dispersion for all the variables were performed.To find the association between the variable, a correlation analysis between the three variables was performed.
Furthermore, the study covered the descriptive statistics analysisbased on the questionnaires as per the Cronbach scale used. Although it is known that there is a widespread use of remote banking in many countries in Africa, determining how far the banks have taken this step is paramount in determining the impacts it has on their performance and financial strengths (Egdair, et al., 2015, p. 112).
To enhance the credibility of the study, opinions from the respondents were evaluated and substantiated with additional information from books, articles, journals and other relevant material. According to Yaser (2010, p. 98), most commercial banks reports their performance to the public as a requirement by the central banks of their respective countries. It provided a better platform for sourcing supporting information for qualitative information.
3.7: Data Presentation
As it is with the many types of research, my data was presented in forms of percentages, tables, charts and graphs. It was done for all the numerical data, and the impacts of ICT use in the banking industry. According to (Savin-Baden & Major, 2013), it is a fundamental requirement to support all arguments from the findings with figures, numbers and other facts to make the opinions credible and representative of a chosen population. Some raw data are still attached to the appendix for reference purposes.

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Tables Requirements:
Descriptive statistics table
Correlation Table
Results table: analysis of variance for each of independs variables

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