IOS APP(Table View)

IOS APP(Table View)


Create an application that will allow the user to view a list of sports games read from a JSON file.

The application will use a Navigation Controller to display three table views.

The first view will let the user choose a week
The second view will let the user choose a sport
The third view will display a list of games for that sport


The initial view should be a Table View that displays two weeks to select from.

Selecting Week 1 will load the data from sports_week_1.json.

Selecting Week 2 will load the data from sports_week_2.json.

After selecting a specific week, the app should then display a Table View that presents the user with one row for each sport defined in the loaded json file under the ‘leagues’ key

Selecting a sport will load a new Table View that displays one row for each game in that specific league.

Each game Table View Cell should display the following information for both the home team and the visiting team:

Team City
Team Name
Team Logo Image
Team Score (if the game state is “Final”)

The game state for each game can be found using the ‘game_state’ key. There are two possible game states, ‘Final’ and ‘Pregame’. If the game state is ‘Final’, display the team scores. If the game state is ‘Pregame’, display the game time instead.


Use the attached screenshots as a guide when building your application

JSON Files

Attached are the two JSON files needed for the application: ‘sports_week_1.json’, and ‘sports_week_2.json’. Add these files into your project and load the data using the method outlined in ‘LoadJSON.pdf’

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