Lab 14

Instructions: Using your knowledge of the Case, While, Until, and For Loop write programs to satisfy the questions below. Please include the code you used to create each program.
1. Using a for loop, write a program that will take the following list of words, and print out this response:
The (word) is an animal
The (word) is an animal
The (word) is an animal
The (word) is an animal
2. Write a loop that will count backwards from 10 to 0.
3. Write a short program that will allow a user to input two numbers, and then the program will give the product of the two numbers.
4. Write a program that will allow the user to type in a Season, and give back a response about that season. Please be sure to allow the user to type in the season using capital letters, and be sure to include an output if the user typed in a season that is not valid.
5. Write a program that create a menu, and let the user choose which option of the menu they wish to use. Have the program keep working until the user decides they wish to quit the menu.
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