Leadship in Law Enforcement

Leadship in Law Enforcement
Topic: Leadership in Law Enforcement

The point of this my paper will be to encourage you to take the first step toward being a leader. Step away from the blame game, stop pointing fingers, and stop
waiting for someone else to take action. It is important throughout your career to focus on what you can control. Focus on what you can do to make a difference. Accept
the fact that regardless of your position in your organization, you are in a position to lead… to train yourself and others and to make a difference.

Paper has to be 10 to 15 pages, double-spaced in APA format. The paper should include the following:

a) Table of Contents

b) Introduction

c) Background

d) Current thinking

e) Conclusion

f) References

g) Supplemental materials

The introduction should include why this paper is being done; what is the point. The background provides a summary of the issue or case. Current thinking covers
current literature relating to the topic. For the area of relationship to current or other organizations leaders, explain how the subject compares or contrasts with
those of another organization. The conclusion is what you think are the critical attributes or characteristics of the leader and the importance of these. There should
be at least six references from journal articles, textbooks, or government publications

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