Lessons Plan

You will develop a set of four complete lesson plans, pick a grade perk-4. One lesson plane for each focused on the following:

• Phonics

• Fluency

• Comprehension

• Vocabulary

Please use the following structure for your lesson plans. You will have time in class to work on your lessons and receive feedback from the instructor and your classmates. Your final project is due via Blackboard by Monday 6/18.

Your final project is worth a total of 40 points (10 points per lesson) and will be graded based on the following:

  • ✓  Content (4 points)- All components are complete and easy to follow. Supplemental materials are included (ex: any worksheets).

  • ✓  Instructional Techniques (4 points)- Instruction, materials, and assessment are appropriate for the intended grade level, engaging, and creative.

  • ✓  Mechanics (2 points)- There are no errors in spelling or grammar. 

    1. Lesson Plan Format for Teacher Education

      Grade Level:
      (Indicate either Phonics, Fluency, Comprehension, or Vocabulary) Time/Duration:

      Objective(s)/Essential Question(s): 

     Standards/PA Core/Common Core Standards:

    Example: CC.1.1.1.C: Demonstrate an understanding of spoken words, syllables and sounds (phonemes).

    CC.1.1.PK.D: Develop beginning phonics and word skills: Associate some letters with their names and sounds.

    CC.1.3.1.A: Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate an understanding of their central message or lesson.

    Materials: Procedure:

    Anticipatory Set:

    Instruction (include the UDL components of Representation, Engagement, and Expression- see page 18 of the syllabus for brainstorming details):


    Assessment/Evaluation (checklist, rubric, progress monitoring tool(s), journaling): Teacher Reflection: 

    UDL Components of Representation, Engagement, and Expression

    Multiple Means of Representation: How are you going to present your content so that it meets the needs of all students? Is the information presented in different ways? For example, utilizing guided notes and graphic organizers in addition to a lecture format or having several books that represent different reading levels.page18image592883536page18image592883808 Multiple Means of Engagement: How are you going to provide multiple pathways for students to actually learn the material presented? Practice, or active mental/physical engagement, is required by students to make real learning happen. For example, some students may benefit from small group learning opportunities; others may require more focused practice with precise feedback, while others still might benefit from working independently. Some students will need to write, others will need to talk through ideas before they understand, while others may need to physically represent what they are learning.page18image592786848page18image592883920 Multiple Means of Expression: How will students demonstrate what they have learned? Again, the creation of many paths is key. Some students are good test-takers, while others are not. Tiered assignments, oral exams, building a model, making a video, and using portfolio assessment are examples of alternatives to traditional paper/pencil tests

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