Low Impact Development for Storm water Management

Low Impact Development for Storm water Management

Course project topic and proper resources:Write an approximately 1000-word (4 pages or longer) essay about a topic of your choice that pertains to class. Include credible sources in your presentation and discussion of the topic. If you are unsure if your topic is appropriate, please contact one of the course TA′s or Prof Mouser.Course project topic:The course project topic, depending on your interest,could be one that is directly introduced in class (e.g., water quality, solid waste, energy, air pollution, sustainability, international conflicts, etc.), or an extension of the topics covered in class(for instance in relation to: your hometown, famous projects in the country or world, new technologies or research area, etc). Here are some examples:•Green Energy Alternatives -pick one: Wind energy, wave energy, thermal energy, etc.•International Environmental Treaties/Agreements -pick one: Paris Climate Agreement, Basel Convention, Kyoto Protocol, etc.•Governmental Enforcement -pick a law/regulation Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Lead and Copper Rule, PFAS MCLs, Federal PFAS Task Force, etc.•Current Local and Global Events-pick one- China closes doors to recyclables; PFAS and health impacts in Merrimack, Pease, Hampton; Beede Waste Oil Superfund site in NH; Examples of the resources:Regarding the sources that you can explore for more in depth information, you can use online scholarly databases (such as Green FILE, Environment Complete, Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management) which provide access to the credible, latest research in hundreds of areas. You can use US government documents accessible at Catalog of US Government Publications, a more comprehensive US document-only database. Newspapers and magazines can also provide information about what is going on now. Here are some examples:-Journal of Environmental science & technology-Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation-U.S. Energy Information Administration-United States Environmental Protection Agency-Department of Economic and Social Affairs Economic Analysis of United Nation–National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Proper referencing:Report facts should be referenced to a peer reviewed (e.g., journal article), agency reviewed (e.g., report published by a federal or state agency), or publication reviewed (e.g., reputable news) source. In this course we recommend using the formatting style for the journal Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T) referencing. Below you can find examples of this style in-text citation and the bibliography section.

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