Low-Level laser therapy isused in Dermal Therapies to achieve a variety of photobiomodulatory effects.Although the energy emitted from low-level laser devices falls well below that of high-energy-lasers,there are still safety-risks associated with its use

Order Description

– Introduction
– discuss the biological effects of low laser therapy on tissues (general mechanism of action explained in detail; biomodulatory effects identified; TWO biomodulatory effects discussed on a cellular level; ONE inhibitory and ONE stimulatory)
-Review the concepts surrounding the efficacy of low level laser in clinical practice (factors that have an impact on treatment effects with examples given)
-Critique safety aspects associated with the use of low level laser therapy (contraindications explained; potential hazards to operators and clients and control methods for these risks have been discussed; risks need to be specific to LOW LEVEL laser)
-Identify the laser class of a low level laser according to AS/NZS 4173:2004 and describe the requirements regarding signage for this class of laser according to AS/NZS 4173:2004 (power identified and applied to the laser class; all aspects associated with signage discussed)

*must flow and paragraphs have logical sense and connect
*goes through Turnitin so must be paraphrased

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