mastering words

mastering words

Machine generated alternative text: advanced attacked bounced christened collided destroyed enrol enrolled fitted illustrated kidnapped omitted organised proceeded satisfied realised relieved shovel shovel led proved 2 4 6 7 8 State the meaning of.. Use in Change to nouns…. Make opposite with a prefix . …christened, enrolled, kidnapped …proceeded, realised, illustrated D.„attacked, collided, destroyed „,organised, satisfied, proved theirs. Supply a preposition: Our car collided All but two of the list words are verbs in the past tense. Which two are not? When you are asked in later units to ‘change to verbs (3rd, sing., past)’, test the target word by putting he or she in front; e.g. advance would become he or she advanced. _ control, install, expel Write the 3rd, sing., past Explain the difference between proceeded and preceded. Discuss, then write a paragraph about, ‘HOW guerillas attack’ B English has adopted the following words from Italian, Do you know the meaning of all of them? Study them carefully, then use five in sentences; balcony, bandit, gondola, ditto, incognito, gusto, confetti, crescendo, contraband, concerto C Word origin: In Latin, circum (cir) means round, Find the meaning Of; circuit, circumference, circumnavigate. What is the adjective from circle? Can you explain Why circus and circulate belong to this group? D Punctuate: We can be proud of the result of the fete declared the headmaster who was addressing the school assembly the net profit amounts to $534() it is easily the most successful fete we have ever organised I would like you to convey to your parents my appreciation Of the way they so generously supported the school

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