
Below are some costs for having a flying club that operates a single Cessna 152.
Fuel per hour: $30
Oil per hour: $2
Maintenance : Annual inspection $1,200
100 hours of operation periodic inspections: $800
Tie-down spot: $150 per month
Aircraft monthly purchase payments: $700/mo.
Reserve fund for new engine: $10/hour
Telephone scheduling & billing services: $150/mo.
Hull and Liability insurance: $350/mo.
Miscellaneous: $100/mo.

Question: How many flight hours would your plane need to fly, given these expenses and costs, before it would Break-Even?

Use a rental rate of $100/hour. (assume that both the Hobbs meter and Tachometer hours are the identical, for this problem). You hope to average 60 hours of flight time per month. Some months will be better, some worse.

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