Mortgage Interest Tax Deduction

Font MUST be Times New Roman (10 pt.) Singled spaced.
Margins will be no greater or less than one-half inch.
Please make sure you provide proper APA style citation (You may use subtitles for different discussions if you wish)
NO cover page. Reference page will NOT count towards the 2 pages.

You should use scholarly research articles. I want to see EVIDENCE-BASED argumentsWhere evidence is lacking, use logical argumentation.

Debate related to the merits of the mortgage interest tax deduction.

For the position paper argue that the mortgage interest tax deduction is NOT DESIRABLE.

First, you could adopt the position of a particular organization, political party or institution in the debate. These include the National Association of Realtors, The National Association of Home Builders, and/or The Center for American Progress, for example. You should also search the websites of organizations such as The Urban Institute Tax Policy Center and The Reason Foundation or the Joint Committee on Taxation and the Senate Finance Committee, amongst others. Then, You could focus on particular issues associated with the mortgage interest tax deduction. You could focus on the value of homeownership and the extent to which it should be supported through the tax code, the fairness, popularity or expense of the mortgage interest tax deduction. More specifically, you could focus on the interests of borrowers vs. non-borrowers or homeowners vs. renters, who benefits from the MID and where, geographically, they benefit; who would win and lose from its elimination, the issue of timing and its elimination, the efficiency and effectiveness of the MID in increasing homeownership, the effects of the MID (and its elimination) on the housing supply, prices and market, the effects of repeal on other aspects of tax policy, homeowner behavior, and government revenue, the size of the MID, its effects on deficits and the merits of alternatives to the MID, such as tax credits, amongst others.

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