Neuroprivacy and 2) New Research of the Nervous System

1) Neuroprivacy and 2) New Research of the Nervous System

Part 1)

Due to recent advancements in our ability to measure the electrical activity of the brain, “neuroprivacy” has become an ethical buzzword for neuroscientists. What is neuroprivacy? How close are we to really knowing what another person is thinking? How much should the government regulate the research that might lead to neuroprivacy concerns? Given that medical personnel will remove articles of clothing from the outside of a person without regard for privacy in a medical emergency, how should neuroprivacy be handled in a medical emergency? Should commercial companies have access to your neural records for marketing purposes, or probation officers or judges in court have access for determination of flight risk or criminal intent, or insurance companies have access for determining your probability for engaging in risky behaviors? Is this different or should it be different than when insurance companies charge different rates based on the weight of an individual? Be sure to answer these questions in one initial post and then comment on at least two other posts.

Brain-based ‘lie detection’ now commercially available

300 words or more – max 400.


Part 2 New Research of the Nervous System

Go out on the web and find out about the newest most interesting research being done on the nervous system. Write a brief description of that research that includes: What questions are being asked? What methods are being used? Are there any applications to humans? Are there any ethical/moral/legal dilemmas involved in the research? Be sure to post an initial answer to these questions and comment on two other posts.

200 words .

total 500 words.

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