What is the Overview of gender roles in the selected culture Overview of gender roles in the selected culture Course:- Other Subject

What is the Overview of gender roles in the selected culture
Overview of gender roles in the selected culture Course:- Other Subject

Reference No.:- EM13133

In this assignment, you will research and develop a presentation about the culture of a particular ethnic group different from your own (for example, Asian, Euro-American, Scandinavian, African American, Latin American, or Anglo-Saxon) as related to communication. This will help you increase your awareness of your own perspectives and the limitations of your perspectives. You will gain a better understanding of the link between culture and gender and how both impact communication.

Using the Argosy University online library resources and the Internet, research the culture you have chosen. Prepare a presentation with detailed speaker’s notes and use scholarly resources for support. Use the speaker’s notes area for explanatory comments and citation of sources.

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