Person-Centered, Motivational Interviewing, and Gestalt Approaches

  1. Describe what Dr Corey did to develop a trusting, collaborative client-counselor relationship within each theoretical model. How did each approach differ and how was it similar towards developing a working relationship  with Stan?
  2. Discuss what aspects of each approach you found could be useful in the therapeutic setting? What aspects of each approach might not be helpful or even counter-productive?
  3. What principles from Motivational Interviewing (Chapter 7 and William Miller video) did you identify about Stan in either session? Specifically examples of Stan’s ambivalence about change, discrepancies between his behavior and values, expressions of readiness to change, and self efficacy?  How did Dr Corey address these issues?
  4. What specific strategies from any of the three approaches would you find difficult to use given your own personality?  Which would feel most comfortable  to use? Explain.
  5. Gestalt therapy uses active methods to help support change. Despite beliefs to the contrary, Person-Centered Therapy and more so Motivational Interviewing, also uses active, directive methods to support change. Which of these three approaches would you prefer if you were Stan?
  6. Did you see ways that any of these approaches could be melded or integrated?
  7. What are the multicultural benefits of Person-Centered, MI, and Gestalt therapies?  Are there populations where one or both approaches may not be effective
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