Portfolio 1 is the completion of Unit

Portfolio 1 is the completion of Unit 2: Methods, Classes, and Objects.

During LiveLessons, we discussed: (Please review the livelessons and other information for assistance on this portfolio)
1. Using mulitiple methods in programming to keep code redundancy down
2. The benefits of creating Utility Classes like the Math Class
3. The benefits of creating Object Classes to hold Object information
4. How creating and using Object and Utility Classes can simplify Executable Classes
5. The differences in Executable, Utility, and Object classes

In this portfolio, you will need to create 3 different classes. You will be required to submit all three classes in your MS Word Document. If you need to do so, you could also submit three separate MS Word Documents to me.

Class 1: Utility Class – GradeCheck
The GradeCheck utility class will be created to help calculate and figure out different grading information.

Methods Required:
1. calcLetterGrade – This method will take an overall percentage grade and then use it to calculate the Letter Grade. It will return a character variable that will hold the letter grade of the student involved. This method will involve a lot of If Statements or a big Switch/Case Statement.
2. avg2Scores – This method will take two scores and then send back the average of the two numbers.
3. avg3Scores – This method will take three scores and then send back the average of the three numbers.
4. tutorCheck – This will check the average score and return Boolean true if tutoring is needed and false if it is not.

Class 2: Object Class – TheStudent
TheStudent class is an object class we will use to create a TheStudent object that will hold lots of information about each student that is created.

Methods Required:
1. TheStudent– add an additional constructor method that will accept the student’s last name, first name, middle name, and student ID when a new object is created. Students ID’s are a 8 digit integer.
2. setStuID – this method will be used to set the students ID number.
3. getStuID – This method will get the students ID number from the object to be used in the program.
4. setFullName – This method will set the last and first name of the student.
5. getFName – This method will get the first name of the student.
6. getLName – This method will get the last name of the student.
7. getMName– This method will get the middle name of the student.
8. getFullName – This method will get the first, middle, and last name of the student.
9. setClass1 – This method will set the student’s class he/she will be taking.
10. getClass1 – This method will get the title of the class he/she is taking.
11. setGradePercent– This method will set the % grade of the student.
12. getGradePercent– This method will get the % grade of the student.
13. setLetterGrade– This method will set the letter grade of the student.
14. getLetterGrade– This method will get the letter grade of the student.
Class 3: Executable Class – J2Portfolio1
In the J2Portfolio1 executable class, you will be creating 2 new student objects.
Student1 Requirements:
1. Use the default constructor to create the new student, student1
2. Set the student’s first, middle, and last name to Sally Sue Johnson
3. Set her ID to 11223344
4. Set her class1 to “Java Programming I”
5. Get two scores from the user for the class work
6. Use the avg2Scores to get the average of the two scores and at the same time setGradePercent for student1
7. Run the calcLetterGrade with the average score collected and at the same time setLetterGrade for student1
8. Output all student information in a visually appealing manner
9. Run the tutorCheck and use the getGradePercent for student1 to see if the student needs tutoring

Student2 Requirements:
1. Use the modified constructor to create the new student, student2 (use John Simon Simpson for the name and an ID number of 66778899)
2. Set his class1 to “Algebra 2”
3. Get three scores from the user for the class work
4. Use the avg3Scores to get the average of the three scores and at the same time setGradePercent for student2
5. Run the calcLetterGrade with the average score collected and at the same time setLetterGrade for student2
6. Output all student information in a visually appealing manner
7. Run the tutorCheck and use the getGradePercent for student2 to see if the student needs tutoring. The Boolean answer that returns will be in an If statement that will output the following if it is true: “<Student’s Full Name>, your average grade is less than a 70%. You need tutoring in <students class name>.”
Last Step:
Add a loop to the program that will run it over again and again as long as the user enters “Yes” to the question: “Do you want to run this program again?” For a bonus point, see if you can do it and ignore the case so that the user can type No however he/she would like. For example: No, NO, no, or nO.

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