Prepare a paper on a historical court case-Social Work

Prepare a paper on a historical court case-Social Work

Each student will be required to write a paper on a historical court case. Cases will be assigned to students unless the student gets special permission to do another case. The paper will consist of four main sections which may be used as APA heading within the paper. You note the “may” above because you are not required to use these as headings—it is only suggested. If you have a more intuitive way to include the same information, please feel free to do so as there is some overlap of information into different sections. Just make sure you do two things if you don’t use these heading: (1) Make sure that you cover the necessary content and (2) make certain that it is clear and logical. You probably will not want to include the subheadings underneath the main four heading, but you will want to make sure you cover all the bases of those subheadings as well. Those sections are outlined below:

CASE: Shapira, Commissioner of Welfare of Connecticut v. Thompson, 394 U.S. 618

Case Content.

Case specifics: Introduce the case and key players.

Case context: What is the historical context for this case?

Case Legal Issues:

Legal issues: What local, state, or federal laws impacted this case?

Constitutional issues: What constitutional issues impacted this case?

Court issues: What is the history of this case through the court system?

Case Resolution:

Court holding (decision): What did the court decide?

Reasoning and analysis of the court: What was the court’s rationale?

Dissension and reasons for dissent. Who on the court dissented and why?

Case in Historical/Social Perspective:

Historical impacts: How did this case impact people for the good or the bad after the ruling?

Social justice implications: What social justice or diversity issues apply?

Social work implication: How does this ruling impact the social work profession or even your future practice? Is this ruling consistent with social work values and ethics, neutral, or antithetical to those values?

This paper should be from 4—5 pages, not counting title page and references. You should include at least 6 references and use APA style.

NOTE: If you are interested in the potential to resubmit your Case paper after a first grading of that paper, then you will need to follow the protocol laid out below. After the initial grading, I will return the papers with needed corrections or alterations (mainly regarding grammar, composition, and APA style) several days after initial submission. You then will have a limited time period (TBA) to make the corrections and alterations. Please turn in BOTH copies of the Case paper for regrading (the INITIAL graded paper and the REVISED version). I will then average the two grades together for the final Bio paper grade. This is simply an option. You may allow your first graded copy to be the sole graded copy.

50$ budget

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