Prepare the Cardiorespiratory Training Program

Prepare the Cardiorespiratory Training Program

1. Go to (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.; Under Fitness Testing: Choose Aerobic Testing in the right hand column; then choose THR Calculator and calculate your THR.

2. Review the PPT: Introduction to the Exercise Prescription (This will help you understand the difference between moderate and vigorous exercise and you can adjust the % HR in the THR Calculator based on this.)

3. Develop your Cardiorespiratory Training Program for one (1) week. You can type it in a word document and/or table/excel spreadsheet. Please include the following:

a. Target Heart Rate/Intensity of Exercise (moderate vs. vigorous)

b. Frequency of Exercise

c. Mode of Exercise (for example, running, walking, cycling)

d. Duration of your Exercise Sessions

e. Provide a written recommendation for yourself to progress your program in to the next week-will you increase the duration of your sessions, etc.

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