Reflection on practice and learning

During this assignment we meet as group after our class and work together to recode the video
We worked as group team and my group were collobritve. We worked hard to finish it by due date and the time mgnemment was perfect . we divided the work as playing the role of the scenario as my work was senior nurse , Jessica was the patient ,Rebecca was Maya finally Kenneth played as care Worker We discussed and applied ethical reasoning and the NMBA Code of Ethics (2008)

This is the video speech

video speech:
MAYA: We’ve have seen that you were in the nursing station looking at patient notes, and because this is a legal issue I’ve notified my senior nurse and the four of us will need to have a meeting to determine the outcome.
CARE WORKER: I don’t see the issue here because I’m caring for my patient and she asked me to look for her.
MAYA: Regardless, we need to discuss this so lets go and have a meeting.

SENIOR NURSE: Maya has notified me of a breach of confidentiality. First of all can you please give me your side of the story.
CARE WORKER: I was only looking through the notes because my patient asked me to, I really don’t see the issue. She just wanted to know when she would be going home.
PATIENT: I did ask him to go find them because yesterday they were by my bed. They have my name on them so I thought I was allowed to ask him to do that for me.
CARE WORKER: This wouldn’t have been an issue if the notes were by the bed like they were yesterday. Can we just ask that you keep them there from now on so my patient can look at them whenever she wants to know what’s going on with her treatment.
SENIOR NURSE: Let me explain to you why we do keep the notes in the nurses station. We do this because the information in the notes is confidential and the patients need to trust that we will protect the information from other people accessing it. Now you also accessed another patient’s notes as well, which you definitely did not have consent for. Under the code of ethics of nursing, which we’re legally bound too, we have to keep notes confidential. The notes you looked at mean that the patient is able to sue you and us for breach of confidentiality. The nurses looking after both patients could lose their jobs and registration as well as being threatened with a lawsuit. We are now legally required to notify this patient that you have viewed her notes and that she is within her rights to sue you for breaching her confidentiality.
PATIENT: How am I supposed to know that I could be sued for looking at my own notes? I need the notes close by so I can know how my health is, shouldn’t I be part of my treatment? I feel like it is best for me if my notes are by my bedside, and that I should have the right to ask for that. It’s not like reading my own notes breaches confidentiality and if i’m in a private room there is no risk that someone else will read them.
MAYA: Well the hospital policy is that all notes are kept in the nursing station, because we’ve had issues like this in the past. The staff and I agree that this policy is the safest way to keep notes confidential and to protect our patients privacy. If you want to know about your treatment, you can always ask us and if we don’t know we will ask your doctor to speak to you about any concerns. If your care worker could have read your notes, than anyone could have too. You have to consider how you would feel if you were this patient whose notes you have now read. It’s ethically and legally a breach of confidentiality and privacy.
CARE WORKER: I still don’t understand why this hospital is like this when other hospitals keep notes by the bedside and don’t make a fuss when I’ve looked. They are much more easily accesible that way and makes it easier for my patient. I’m sorry I looked at the other patients notes, I thought I knew her and wanted to make sure she was okay. From now on we will ask the nursing staff if we have any questions.
SENIOR NURSE: Thanks for understanding the issue, please keep in mind that the nurses station is for nurses only in the future. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask the staff.

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