Religion-History homework help

Religion-History homework help

IDST 390: Reflective Writing #1

Repko, Chapter 1 & 2; Instructor Videos

1. What is “interdisciplinary studies?” How does it differ from “disciplinary studies?”

2. Repko uses the metaphor of fruit and fruit smoothie to communicate the purpose of IDST. Briefly discuss how he does this in the beginning of Chapter 2.

3. There is no “s” at the end of Revelation. It is NOT “revelations.” Briefly explain how it is one story and not a list of predictions.

4. In one good paragraph, summarize Trafton’s argument about how to best approach the Book of Revelation as a 21st century reader of this nearly 2,000 year-old Christian text.

5. In his article “The Apocalypse of John as Oral Enactment,” David Barr explains how someone (a first century Seneca) could memorize the entire book of Revelation and recite it for an audience. There were no “chapter and verse” numbers for its intended audience as seen in modern bibles. Briefly discuss one (or more) important way(s) this changes how we think about Revelation.

6. What other academic disciplines might be well-equipped to offer important insights about the book of Revelation and why? List two and explain.



7. [OPTIONAL] Feel free to add any other insights, questions, or observations from the first 1.5 weeks of the course.

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