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Posted By View Student Profile
Subject Medicine
Deadline (Pacific Time) 04/29/2017 11:00 am
Budget $10-$30
Response to a peer discussion board. 150 words 1 reference within 5 years nursing journals only.

The researchers in this study used the Roy Adaptation model to educate patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. There were 65 participants in this study. The participants were split into two groups, a control group and an intervention group. The intervention group were educated using the Roy adaptation model based evaluation form as well as oral education based on the Roy Adaption model and the control group simply received routine follow-up. The Roy Adaptation model took into consideration the patients biological, psychological, and social needs. It was found that the education given to the intervention group based on the Roy adaptation theory increase the patient’s adaptation level to their COPD disease. Furthermore, from a social and psychological perspective there was an increase in the adaptation to the disease when there was support from friends and family, but there was a statistical significance from friends (Akyil & Ergüney, 2013, p.1063).
The Roy Adaptation model is best suited for this study because it facilitates the patient into adapting into their disease. The Roy Adaption theory takes into consideration the patients biological, psychological, and social counterparts. The patients will receive education about the disease itself and ways to manage it, as well as signs and symptoms of complications. The patient will be educated about ways that COPD can affect their mood and other psychological matters, and social life. These all equally important aspect to consider when educating patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This will ensure that patients maintain optimal health because all of their needs are met.
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