SBRnet research

SBRnet research
Number of sources: 3
Paper instructions:
The Sports Business Research Network ( is a market research and publications database that lists and provides information on sports organizations, teams, corporate sponsors, sports agents, marketing and event management agencies, and media companies around the world. The APUS Online Library has a subscription of this directory. If you have trouble accessing SBRnet, feel free to click the APUS Library button on the left-hand menu>Contact Us for assistance.

Part 1:

Using topics, readings, and discussions from the class and this SBRnet source, assemble your viewpoint on a local, national, and global issue in sport based on both your personal observations and articles from the SBRnet. The issue may be the same topic at the local, national, and global level, or you could choose a different topic for your local area, nation, and globe.

Part 2:

Look up at least one article for the local, the national, and the global issue in the SBRnet that aligns with topics from the class and assemble the observation with information you find in the SBRnet. Provide a brief description of each of the three issues. The local, national, and global topic should each be described with a minimum of 200 words for a total of 600 words or more.


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